The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12472   Message #99041
Posted By: katlaughing
25-Jul-99 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: RE: Mudcat Campfire
Hi, PennyS. I think that makes perfect sense. When we get such feelings it is usually for a good reasona nd to our benefir to pay attention. we can attract anything which we dwell on or are open to. Some things are best left alone. Sounds to me like you have a pretty good idea of how to handle such things. I have an old wood framed mirror about 4 feet tall.

Here's another from when we lived in Massachusetts: It was winter in New England. We'd jst had a cold night of snow, then warmer rain, sleet, then snow. As a result, there was glare ice under a small dusting of snow. Very deceptive. As I stepped down two wooden steps to go into my office that morning, my feet slipped out from under me and I fell flat on my back, hitting my head on the step edge, which knocked me out. Did the whole ambulance bit, concussion, stiches, etc.

Anyway, we lived in a very old, for the USA! (1700's,) house which was divided in half. It was a former school. We had the whole attic, and half of the first and second floors. There was a built in bookshelf in the wall of the stairs going up, in the downstairs living room. One of my cats, Miss Pitty-Pat, who was quite fey, used to always stare at that space as if she saw something we didn't.

I was sent home from hospital with instructions to my son and brother of what to watch for any complications. Other than feeling like my head was exploding from pain, I began to recover. By the time Roger returned from field work in California, I was on the mend and able to get up, take a bath, etc, without too much help.

The door to the attic, where our son's bedroom was, was in our bedroom. One night, just after Roger came home, I was in bed reading. He was takign a bath just across the hall. I felt a rush of air and thought Colin was coming through from his bedroom upstairs. When I looked up, I saw a beautiful woman, rather filmy looking, with her hair piled high and a very Victorian high-necked dress on. She was very genteel looking. I got the impression she wanted to sit in my antique rocker, but I was concerned for her because i knew Rog would be coming in, in his brithday suit, any minute and that it would shock and dismay her to see him that way (NOT because of his looks:-)

Anyway, I remember talking to her and urging her to please leave, explaining that he would be in there soon. It seemed to take a bit of convincing, but there was nothing scary about it, just concern and a bit of miscomprehension on her part. She did just fade away in a few minutes. I often wonder if she was a "school marm".

Never did figure out what the cat saw.
