The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61527   Message #991235
Posted By: Raptor
26-Jul-03 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Doing your Part
Subject: RE: BS: Doing your Part

How quick is a car gonna breakdown?

Rubber never BIO-Degrades.

Nor does metal

I think you need to go back to science class buddy!

No wonder you hate the human race so much, You have no faith in triing to save this planet!

We need to start at home educating people on the difference between BIO-degrading And just plain rusting!

We need to get people to realise that if we reduce the garbage by 40%-60% than thats 40%-60% less space taken up in the landfills, (its a simple equasion but you be suprised how many people DON'T GET IT)!

We can also send a mesage to the corperations through government lobbying but we need to practice what we expect them to do.
