The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12472   Message #99142
Posted By: Big Mick
25-Jul-99 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: RE: Mudcat Campfire
I give up DougR, it appears I am no match for you, you son of a gun. Would you teach me how you do this???? hahqahahahahahaha

I had a great weekend, my friends around the campfire of Blessings Barbara and family. Cap'n Bob was their and we sat up until all hours singing songs and enjoying the company of one another. Her family is lovely, her husband Mark harmonizes very nicely, her brother Jamie and his wife play jigs, reels and hornpipes on the whistle and guitar, her brother Stewart is one of the nicest folks I have ever met, her niece Fiona and her nephew Keagan (both with red hair) are two perfect little charmers and her partents are free with the hospitality and lovely to talk too. All things considered, it was one of the nicer singarounds I have been to. Ole Cap'n Bob hauled out some GREAT songs, and is very good on his Martin and his tenor banjo. And nobody minded me hauling out my bodhran. And of course, my Guild just loved the company. The dog next door did swipe my shoe, but we fielded a search party and found it in about a half hour. So how did the weekend go?? Couldn't have gone better.

Glad to be back at the campfire though. Now, Doug R, you have to teach me those moves, doggone it all. LOL
