The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61587   Message #991462
Posted By: sharyn
27-Jul-03 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: Writing about people's private lives?
Subject: RE: Writing about people's private lives?
The issue for me is whether you get the details right: is the song grounded in your own experiences of grief or motherhood or something? Is it authentic? A reason to run it by the bereaved mother at an appropriate time would be to see whether you have captured the experience or whether you have missed something big.

Why do I say this? Some of you may have heard my diatribes on songs about people with disabilities. Sometimes one of these songs comes along, becomes popular and is touted as a model song of its kind and it is obvious to me, as a person with a lifelong disability, that the songwriter didn't have a clue what he or she was talking about. I think it is important to have a clue -- dig into your own life, talk to the bereaved mom, or do some research if need be