The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12515   Message #99166
Posted By: DonMeixner
25-Jul-99 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Flower of Scotland (Roy Williamson)
Subject: RE: Flower of Scotland
If you visit the Corries page at the blue click in the post above you will find a photo of the Corries. Roy is the man in the foreground with the wild hair and they are playing combolins. Instruments unique to the Corries. I have a video tape of the Corries singing Flower of Scotland (About William Wallace is my guess) in a musical cut from about 1970 or before. The song has evolved considerably from this time and is done as a waltz as often as it is a 2/4 or 4/4 time piece. I guess I've done this tune fr 25 years and never tire of singing it.
