The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61587   Message #991739
Posted By: open mike
27-Jul-03 - 11:50 PM
Thread Name: Writing about people's private lives?
Subject: RE: Writing about people's private lives?
I hope you do write and share that song.
There is a line in Bird on a Wire
that says:
"like a beast with it's horn,
like a babe still born,
i have torn every one
who reached out to me"
A birth is meant to be a joyous
event and when it is not, we
are not prepared to respond.
I had a sibling who was still
born, and consequently i lived
the life of an only child.
This event changed my life
forever, and my families' lives
as well. You will be speaking for many
others in your song. I hope I get to
hear it. Laurel