The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12474   Message #99174
Posted By: Margo
25-Jul-99 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: Come you pranksters, fess up!
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
Oh, some of you are quite daring! I remember when I worked at a guest ranch in southern Oregon the staff were constantly pulling pranks on each other, especially the girls against the guys and vice versa.

One of the girls, Sue, was going steady with one of the ranch hands, Joe. This ranch was set up to be self sufficient, and there was a working saw mill. Some of the timber was cut down to build guest houses.

On this particular day, the guys were peeling logs. One big log's bark came off all in one piece. Everyone marvelled at how it looked just like a real log with the end peices of the log cut and carefully placed in the bark.

Then the idea was hatched. Joe put ketchup in his mouth, and we brought Sue out to the sawmill. The guys then "accidently" dropped the fake log on Joe, and he feigned a fall, ketchup spurting and all. Sue was in shock, her mouth agape, but completely puzzled as to why everyone else was laughing. Oh, that was a mean one. At least we didn't let her go on thinking he was hurt.