The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61632   Message #992430
Posted By: Deckman
29-Jul-03 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Bob Hope dies at 100
Subject: RE: Obit: Bob Hope dies at 100
I'd like to comment on another aspect of Bob Hope's life that I don't think has been addressed yet. He was ONE HUNDRED YEARS OLD! Can you, or any of us possibly begin to understand the social mores and changes that he survived? My wonderful Father died last year at the age of 94. He and I spent wonderful hours (years) speaking to the changes in our society within his lifetime. Consider what America was like in 1903. What was common? What was acceptable? What was expected? Think for a minute, what changes Bob Hope had to endure. What accepted and encouraged behaviors did he have to unlearn as society changed and grew. It ain't easy folks, living through one hundred years of American social changes. Hells bells, it ain't even easy just living one hundred years! As I read these pipsqueeks thoughts, I well remember something I witnessed my Father say. One time, while we were in line at fast food place, my Father proudly announced to me, and everyone else within the the room, that he had just received his 'senior citizen discount card.' An upstart 16 year old child in line turned to my Father and said: "Jeeze, Mister. You sure are old." My Father did'nt even bat an eye or miss a beat. He just looked at the kid and said: "Keep that up kid, and you won't live to be half my age!"

So, when I read these kind of pipsqueek comments from kritters that are probalaby not even one fourth of Bob Hope's age, I just yawn and say ... "rise above it." CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson