The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60807   Message #992607
Posted By: Sir Roger de Beverley
29-Jul-03 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: PTH July Installment
Subject: RE: PTH July Installment
I'll be there too. I can't believe that the first session that I attended in Beverley is losing its leader.

The Nellies session as it was then was a great introduction to the woderful world of East Riding sessions and I'm proud to have attended most of the 60 since that first one. It started just three days after I moved to Beverley and I'm really glad that I went to that first day.

Following Pete's Sunday session at the Sun this week a great band from Leeds St Louis Zipper will be making their first appearance.

They play a wide range of material from 1920s standards to blues and skiffle. I predict that they will become Sun Inn favourites alonside PTH and the Doghouse skiffle - miss them at your peril
