The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61250   Message #993119
Posted By: Teribus
30-Jul-03 - 04:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq War Lies
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq War Lies

You are wandering way off topic here, you mentioned how laughable the "Hearts and Minds" philosophy was, and how ironic it was that the "Brits" were instructing US forces in it's practice - I, in response, gave you examples where this has been effectively employed by British troops acting in a role where they operate in aid of the civil power. I did not state, or mean to imply, that that was the overall case, I neither would, or could, ever make that contention.

Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah) was an amazing success, primarily because we had won the "Hearts and Minds" of the civilian population both in the towns and in the country. Our greatest asset in thwarting Indonesian incursions from the Kalimantan were the villagers, the occupants of the long-houses, the Ibans and Dyaks. They decided from the outset to side with us, their knowledge of the ground, hunting and tracking skills, enabled ambush after ambush to be laid, so effectively that not one single successful infiltration was ever made.

The butchers bill for Northern Ireland is over 3000 people killed, and goodness knows how many scarred and injured, physically and mentally. Generations of children growing up in an atmosphere of fear and hate. Of those killed and injured the paramilitaries are responsible for about 90% of those casualties - I note that you make no reference to their activities in your wanderings.

I also note that you have not answered the question I asked you with regard to those who have saved lives in Northern Ireland.