The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61688   Message #993587
Posted By: GUEST
30-Jul-03 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: What are Young Conservatives Made Of?
Subject: RE: BS: What are Young Conservatives Made Of?
"Thanks, you are doing more for my side than I can believe."

Seriously, when right wing nuts come into what is essentially a liberal and progressive forum (below the BS line, as I said earlier), and begin expectorating invective at those very liberals and progressives they so obviously revile and hold in contempt, I automatically dismiss anything they say. I also see that tactic as one of the most disturbing aspects of the Reagan/Limbaugh revolution. A complete inability to tolerate the existence of progressives and liberals.

I'm not talking about live and let live here. I'm talking about the right wing political ideologues, of which the Limbaughs and O'Reillys, et al are representative, who have whipped the marginally sane and reactionary types into such a frenzy, that they can't even be in the same room with someone who doesn't share their fears, and their poisonous, hateful view of contemporary modern life.

Such people will never be able to work out problems and find solutions to the challenges that face all of us. They just aren't intellectually capable of it. Hence, the calling of the Capitol police on the Democrats by the Republican chair of the House Commerce Committee the other day. Or the attempts to round up the Texas Democrats using the same legislative tactic (blocking quorom) to block the Republicans' attempts to redistrict to their own benefit. Or the California recall of Gray Davis.

Sure, we can all argue about the agendas of both sides. But the tactics currently being used by the right wing nut ideologues have become very creepy, and downright threatening to our democracy. You know we're screwed when the most conservative of the Republican ideologues like Trent Lott are saying things like "Republicans can be wrong too".