The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61627   Message #994228
Posted By: GUEST,Bloke on the bench
31-Jul-03 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: SLOOP session to Coach and Ho, Barton.
Subject: RE: SLOOP session to Coach and Ho, Barton.
Yes to it all, it was a fine session, well attended, acoustics good and landlady welcoming. If all catters in the vicinity go regularly it should become an excellent venue. Toilets are better than the Sloop, without being luxurious. I understand there's talk of grub at some point.
With any luck we've got a new Barton session going. The Sloop lasted - how long? Five or six years? And we just turned up cos the Ayatollah didn't want to go all the way to Goxhill....