The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61744   Message #994395
Posted By: GUEST
31-Jul-03 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: Borders Fires Singer for Bush Joke
Subject: RE: Borders Fires Singer for Bush Joke
Sorry, I inadvertently launched that last post before I finished writing it.

As I was saying, bookstores have long been considered both havens for and advocates of free speech, so the effects of such a large chain of bookstores engaging in this sort of censorship could have long lasting and widespread effects upon free speech and open debate in our society. There is simply no other interpretation to put on this action, than to say that a musician was not just censored for telling a joke about the president, but was fired for it. If that doesn't scare musicians and artists about the current state of affairs in this country, especially in the wake of the censorship campaign against the Dixie Chicks for something they said about the president, then I guess nothing ever will.