The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61744   Message #995348
Posted By: Frankham
01-Aug-03 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: Borders Fires Singer for Bush Joke
Subject: RE: Borders Fires Singer for Bush Joke
I think it's sufficient that Fredricksburg Borders has received it's share of criticism. I guess all Borders aren't the same. The ones here in Georgia seem to be OK but there hasn't been the "test case" of whether to sing about the (P)resident's skinny legs. I can't see it would be an issue in the Atlanta area.

Mr.Gibson, you wrote: "Your common sense approach is so refreshing compared to all the political posturing, constitution babbling, and lawyer wannabees."

In response I would like to say that this is a political issue. It has to do with the right of free speech. To defend this aspect of the Bill of Rights is not political posturing in the way I understand that description. There are those that take the right of free speech for granted. I agree however that the decision made in Fredricksburg may not have been corporate policy. But ultimately, the corporation is responsible for taking action to see that it doesn't happen again. As to the Constitution babbling, I take that document (including the Bill of Rights) very seriously as a responsible American citizen. This issue is not a minor infraction but goes to the heart of the hysteria being created today by perhaps well-meaning folks who are overreacting. This is a byproduct of the level of hysteria that has been escalated for political purposes (that's political posturing. 911 doesn't give anyone the right to trample on the right of free speech.

As to the legal wannabees, what's wrong with that? Most Americans could benefit from a good civics lesson. I know the role of lawyers is being denegrated today by militant right-wing pundits but without an advocacy system, we would not have a great government. The idea that all lawyers are base liars and immoral is a propaganda mechanism that is being fostered by some of the right-wing diehards.

There have always been sinister times in our history. I lived through the McCarthy era and you're right, I am seeing a replay of it. I've enjoyed Bill Maher and don't like to see him censored by Ari Fleischer who is basically a Bush apparachik. I think it's appropriate the Fleischer watches what he says as well. The voters may be able to see to that.

Frank Hamilton