The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12710   Message #996327
Posted By: Billy the Bus
04-Aug-03 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Davy Lowston
Subject: RE: TUNE ADD: Davy Lowston
So you collated "Maorilander" Robyn?

I collated (& helped build) the original number of the NZFLS "Heritage", with Frank in the 'back-room' of the Bladder. I've tracked down most of my copies today, apart from the one with my greatest contribution to NZ Folk Music - vis: We've Got Kiwi Kieth Back Again - I think I can remember the words (given time). I'm bundling them up to send to John Archer (unless there's a safe NZFLS archive somewhere).

I'm carging my glass to toast FFF = "Fearless Frank Fyfe"!

Give Mary, Anne, John and Adam a cuddle from me next time you see them, and give your "Other ½" a kick in the crutch - just for old time's sake - no hard feelings .... ;^0

Slainté - Sam