The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61840   Message #996413
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
04-Aug-03 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: What makes you go to see a new act?
Subject: RE: What makes you go to see a new act?
personally, I always refer to the errant computer as a stupid useless bloody computer, but you know yours best.

Ever since folk left the Top 40 charts I've been listening to my own small collection. Upon discovering live music in Aug 1996 I've increased my folk collection enormously & compulsively. I get to several festivals a year, run a folk club, help run 2 others & occasionaly get payola. Some of my very few (so far) freebies have been great - one I returned, but that act was not my kind of folk ("some people say we sound like an orchestra on stage" eh???- my club doesn't usually get orchestras applying).

Like others have said I go by recommendations from friends who have been around longer that I have & also by reviews (lots of CDs have come that way). When I go to a festival I mark all acts I know & want to hear, then read all the bios & mark new ones, then work out what's essential & what I would like to hear & often miss stuff cos other things come up - like meeting friends & chatting or following them to a different event ...
