The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61744   Message #996614
Posted By: Frankham
04-Aug-03 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: Borders Fires Singer for Bush Joke
Subject: RE: Borders Fires Singer for Bush Joke
Hi Nicole,

The proprietor may have the right to censor any objectionable material as defined as being obscene, inciteful to violence, causing mass hysteria or anything that could be construed as harmful to the public good. George's chicken legs does not qualify.

People have the right to walk out, boycott or just never go back to a performance they find objectionable. But they don't have the right to censor it unless it meets the above criteria.

Newspaper articles are a different story than live musical performances. Articles are printed or rejected at the behest of the editors. Newspapers however are sued for slander and sometimes for ommission. Also they occasionally mislead. However, the Aryan Nation does publish it's own newspaper and we have the right to toss it in the trash or ignore it.

The Aryan Nation could be construed to be inciteful, harmful to the public good and promoting violence. Itt would be appropriate to throw them out of Borders. This again is not George's chicken legs.

The school is a different proposition than the public concert or coffehouse. Here, there are strict rules that are protected ostensibly for the good of the children who can't handle all kinds of information. I, for one, hypothetically, wouldn't sing about George's chicken legs for most school assemblies. I might at a high school, depending on the liberality of the teaching staff. Possibly a private school.

(In reality,not hypothetically, I don't find the subject matter very interesting. :) And not enough weight can be given to it to provoke this arbitrary action by Borders.

It's a sad day when the (P)resident must be deified and unblemished in order to block out the criticims of his administration. Those who react (reactionaries) are probably overreacting because they know that Bush has messed up and don't want to admit it. That's really what this "chicken legs" is all about.

Frank Hamilton