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Thread #61881   Message #996941
Posted By: GUEST,MCP
05-Aug-03 - 05:46 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Onboard a 98: Peter Bellamy
Subject: Lyr Add: ON BOARD A NINETY-EIGHT (from P Bellamy)
The lyrics have been posted in the forum at: Lyr Add: On Board A 98. They're not from Peter's singing, but give him as source. As there are a few minor differences I give below Peter's version from Wake The Vaulted Echoes. The thread I've just referred to has one other verse not here. (The Echoes version was originally released on Songs And Rummy Conjurin' Tricks, the song was originally released on Tell It Like It Was and that version there has only minor textual differences from the version given below (although Peter's singing possibly a bit more mannered there). Neither version has the extra verse from the other thread).

The words were collected By Vaughan Williams from a Mr. Leatherday and, as mentioned elsewhere, Peter put his own tune to it, not liking the collected one.



Oh, when I was young and scarce 18 I drove a roaring trade,
And many a sly trick have I played on many a pretty maid.
My parents saw that would not do, I soon would spend their store
So they resolved that I should go on board a man-of-war.

Well, a bold press gang surrounded me, their warrant they did show.
They vowed that I must go to sea and face a daring foe
Then off they lugged me to the boat, and then I cursed my fate
Oh then I found that I should float on board a 98.

Now when first I put my foot on board, how I did stand and stare
For our Admiral, he gave the word, "There is no time to spare".
So we raised our anchor, shook out sail, then off they bore me straight
To face the French in storm and gale on board a 98.

But as time a-fled I bolder grew I hardened was to war.
I could run aloft with my ship's crew and value not a scar
And right well I did my duty do, till I got Boatswain's mate
And blast me soon got boatswain too on board a 98.

So the years rolled by and at Trafalgar brave Nelson he fought and fell
As when they capsized that hardy tar I took a rap as well.
So to Greenwich College I come back because I'd saved my pate;
They'd only knocked a wing off Jack on board a 98.

So now I can my cocoa take, my pouch with baccy stored
All in my blue coat and my three-cocked hat, I'm as happy as a Lord
Cos I've done my duty, served my King, and now I bless my fate
But blast me, I'm too old to sing, I'm nearly 98

Source: Peter Bellamy on Wake The Vaulted Echoes