The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61856   Message #997299
Posted By: fox4zero
05-Aug-03 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: RI Quiz
Subject: RE: RI Quiz

No disrespect perceived.

While my original note above was in jest, there is some basis for the
Block Island (RI) and UK connection.

During the War of 1812, the USN was unable to protect the entire eastern coastline against those "big bullies" of the RN. Both British and US warships "called" at Block Island for fresh water, meat and strong spirits, consequently the Island was declared neutral territory by the US Congress, and Islanders were not permitted to go to the the mainland. In the aftermath of our stunning victory, Block Island was NEVER SUBSEQUENTLY RE-ANNEXED!!, which is the basis for all loyal Block Islanders refusing to pay federal taxes, nor take any responsibility for the current federal administration.
