The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61627   Message #997673
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
06-Aug-03 - 01:46 AM
Thread Name: SLOOP session to Coach and Ho, Barton.
Subject: RE: SLOOP session to Coach and Ho, Barton.
heloo, i dident go, becouse, i satayed at home and got pissed ibnstead, i might go nexty week, or i might but a bike,m [good thing is free for bikes on then umber bnridge], and can get pissed, asnd not to much hassle, [ cant ban you from ridinfg a bike [as for as i know, not sure really, i domnt think so anyway], dont think sso, i crashed a bike before [i hit a tree, near the cemetrey], ploliceman said said " you shouldent drinking so much then , stupid arseole", he dident ban me, just give me a big warning, [i threw my bike away at that time, bexause the whell went busted], anyway= i have got fat legs, i bought some shorts from the charity ship, but my legs are to fat, for them, i am thinking about a diet , i dont know really,
anyay, i went to sun on sunday, but I nEEEded a drink!, it was a nice singing, but i got that weird belly ache, when i need a drink, so i was a bit pissed off really!, people was saying " heloo john , how are you? etc", i said i'm ok , butb i wasent, i really neeeded a drink! so if i loooked a bit pissed off ,,then thats why.
anyway, since i been drinking looads, least my big soot fits now.john