The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61935   Message #998734
Posted By: GUEST,Trom Bron
07-Aug-03 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Attack coming on August 27!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Attack coming on August 27!!!
Hi ya'll. Trom Bron here. That's Martian fer Willy Joe. Summa ya'll mightta met me over on that other thread. It don't matter. I'm not here about that nut-house escapee that we're tryin' to get back to Mars. I jus' stopped by to tell ya'll not to pay any attention to anythin' that Debbie Earl says. She ain't no Martian. She's freds. Freds is from someplace, but it shore ain't Mars. Debbie Earl and his girlfriend Bubba Bubba has been hangin' around here so long that they is startin' to think they's human. Playin' the blues and such. Well, I think ya'll need to revoke their greencards. Get 'em outta here before it's too late. Ya'll know that thing ya'll call the asteroid belt? Well, it was a purty nice place until freds got ahold of it.