The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60287   Message #998959
Posted By: Dr. Guitar
08-Aug-03 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: Dr. Guitar's surgery
Subject: RE: Dr. Guitar's surgery
Dear N.T. Molly-Gist,

An interesting thesis! And I do fully concur with my dear friend Ebbie (who I hope is continuing to not look at those particular sites).

Indeed it may be a matter of expectoration. I have it on good authority that the famous flamenco guitar makers of Andalucia mix their hide glue with an amount of spittle and that this enhances the characteristic "rattling" sound of the flamenco guitar.

I am quite sure that the numerous etymologists here at the Mudcat Cafe will be delighted to advise further on this catarrh/guitar phonemenon.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Catarrh