The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61991 Message #999353
Posted By: GUEST
09-Aug-03 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: Email newsletters of musicians
Subject: Email newsletters of musicians
Hello Fellow Travellers,
As a performer one of the ways I keep in touch with people is to get their email addresses at gigs and send out a monthly email newsletter called "Squeezebox from Hell". Admittedly it's a self-promotional thing noting my upcoming performances, etc. I also try to fill most of it with news about folk music, accordion news, alternative politics, humour, news of recordings from musical compadres, links to interesting sites. Currently it's sent out to about 300 people.
I know that other songwriters, musicians, performers have been doing the same - performers such as Eileen McGann, James Gordon, Anne Feeney, plus business groups such as Boaz Accordions out of California.
Anyone out there who has contacts for such newsletters that are worth sharing?
So far my newsletter has been a success. Only two responses which said they never wanted to see it again. One from a person who didn't like a comment I made about events in the Mid-East and one from a Texas Accordion group which denounced my newsletter as godless and satanic.