The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12472   Message #99956
Posted By: Alice
27-Jul-99 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: Lyr Add: COOL WATER (Bob Nolan)
Well, the temperature is getting hot even here.... time to head back up the mountainside for our evening campfire. Amazing how quickly the air cools after the orange and purple sunset clouds fade to stars. I have photos from my Virginia City re-enactment experience, and a few sound clips I will try to post tonight.

(Bob Nolan, 1936)

All day I've faced a barren waste
Without a taste of water
Cool water.
Old Dan and I with throats burnt dry
And souls that cry for water
Cool, clear water.

Refrain Keep amovin' Dan, don't you listen to him, Dan
He's a devil, not a man, and he spreads the burning sand
With water.
Dan, can you see that big green tree
Where the water's running free and its waiting there for you
And me.

The nights are cool and I'm a fool
Each star's a pool of water
Cool water.
But with the dawn I'll wake and yawn
And carry on to water
Cool, clear water.