The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55309   Message #999641
Posted By: Sam L
10-Aug-03 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Any conservatives on Mudcat?
Subject: RE: BS: Any conservatives on Mudcat?
Hey Jimmyt, didn't you see the empty chair saved for you when you came in?
Gee, it's very kind of you pdq to point out my tendency to kill threads. I was hoping I was the only one who'd noticed that.

My liberal mother is still teaching english and when my grammar lapses I revel that she isn't around to correct me. "Of what are liberals made"?--bleah.

Represent working people? I am a working people. Granted, so are some conservative folks, but we strike certain deals together. I'm a liberal vegetarian artist and my buddy John is a conservative engineer deer hunter. He wants me to paint a big abstract expressionist picture for him in a camoflage pattern, to go with his other camo furnishings. It's so funny I might do it. But he doesn't want to believe me that the president of PETA is a nascar enthusiast.

Maybe Goldwater was the first, but I think I've heard that Clinton had some sort of notable whitewater experience too.

I'm sore and worn out. Work yesterday was so busy, we were so swamped, the boss said It's just like the old days. I said yeah, it feels like the Clinton administration. Not that I'm a clinton liberal--I think conservatives hate him so much because he's a conservative who traitorously talks liberal. You get the same hangover without the grand old party.