Russian folk songs with English translations p 16 #11

Lone there stands a beech 'mid the hea-ther,
All a-lone in sun and rai-ny wea-ther,
All a-lone 'mid the hea-ther *

Resting, 'neath its shade no man tarries,
From it came no staff that wand'rer carries
'Neath its shade no man tarries

I will go a while there and resting,
I will watch the happy linnets nesting
I will watch linnets nesting

Then I'll cut three banches and prune them,
Make three pipes for melody, and tune them,
Fit for Melody tune them.

One more I shall take for my fiddle,
When it's made, I'll play hey diddle diddlem
That I'll play on my fiddle.

* third line is repeated each verse as the fourth line as well.