Subject: barleycorn From: GUEST,Frippe Date: 18 Feb 01 - 02:44 PM Hi! I'm seeking high and low for a lovely tune by the wonderful group The Johnstons. The tune is the Barleycorn. I hope that someone can help me with this one. Thanx! |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: Jon Freeman Date: 18 Feb 01 - 03:06 PM Try herefor the lyrics and some chords. Jon |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE BARLEYCORN From: Jon Freeman Date: 18 Feb 01 - 03:15 PM As I can't find it in the DT, I'll post the lyrics: THE BARLEYCORN - Traditional
There were three farmers in the north, as they were passin´ by
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: Wolfgang Date: 19 Feb 01 - 04:45 AM A useful link to the many versions in Mudcat. I haven't checked all of the links in my link above, but I think the Johnstons version is new (and worth posting). Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: Jon Freeman Date: 19 Feb 01 - 05:27 AM Wolfgang, you may be correct in suggesting it is new(I must admit I wondered) but the source I used quotes it as traditional. I haven't got the Johnstons' version to hand but the only differences I can remember between that and the one I have posted come in the last verse. Im pretty sure they use "dirty" in place of "terrible" and "threw" instead of "pissed". They of course repeat part of the last line of each verse, together with some ?nonsense? words, e.g. In the first verse, it would be: "With me fal-de roldity too rye eh, and a beggin he will die" (or something similar). Jon |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: Wolfgang Date: 19 Feb 01 - 05:51 AM Sorry, Jon, I didn't mean 'new' in the sense of 'recently (re)written' but in the sense of 'not posted in Mudcat yet'. I'm glad to see the Johnstons' version here and I'll check it with the record. From memory, it sounds near perfect. Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: Jon Freeman Date: 19 Feb 01 - 06:00 AM Thanks Wolfgang, I love their version. Jon |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: GUEST,Frippe Date: 19 Feb 01 - 05:40 PM Thank you very much for your help Jon! See ya! |
Subject: Lyr Add: JOHN BARLEYCORN From: UB Ed Date: 20 Feb 01 - 09:28 AM Winwood and Traffic did "John Barleycorn". Isn't there something in the trad about the evolution from paganism to Christianity and a human sacrifice in the fall in the hope of a good harvest? Or did I just make that up? JOHN BARLEYCORN
There was three men came out of the west,
Then they let him lie for a very long time
They hired men with the scythes so sharp
They wheeled him round and round the field
Here's little Sir John in a nut-brown bowl, |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: Malcolm Douglas Date: 20 Feb 01 - 10:46 AM They got that one straight out of the Penguin Book of English Folk Songs: see the link Wolfgang gave above, where the text and notes are already quoted in full. The song is an allegory, and probably no more than that, though it certainly is an interesting one. Malcolm |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: JohnB Date: 20 Feb 01 - 12:25 PM Malcolm did you misspell that, didn't you mean it's an Ale Gory. Or was that an All Gory, certainly parts of it are. JohnB |
Subject: Lyr Add: BARLEY MOW From: Snuffy Date: 20 Feb 01 - 07:56 PM Here's one that seems to be a halfway house between the John Barleycorn cycle and the Nipperkin and the Brown Bowl cycle.
BARLEY MOWWell, we ploughed the land and we planted itAnd we watched the barley grow We rolled it and we harrowed it And we cleaned it with a hoe Then we waited till the farmer said "It's time for harvest now Get out your scythes and sharp 'em, boys, It's time for barley mow" Well, here's luck to barley mowWell, we went and mowed the barley And we left it on the ground. We left it in the sun and rain Till it was nicely brown. Then one day off to the maltster then John Barleycorn did go. The day he went away we all did say "Here's luck to barley mow." Have no fear of young John Barleycorn When he's as green as grass But Old John Barleycorn is strong enough To set you on your ass. But there's nothing better ever brewed Than we are drinking now Fill them up, we'll have another round Here's luck to barley mow. "Now if you were in Debenham 'Cherry Tree' about sixty years ago, about nine o'clock on a Saturday night, you'd get Barley Mow. Now if you were down there now and sung it, I don't suppose anybody there would know it." From Songs sung in Suffolk, Vol 3. Veteran Tapes VT103. (Field recordings 1985-87 by John Howson). Sung by Fred Whiting of Kenton, Suffolk.
Subject: Lyr Add: JOHN BARLEYCORN(?) (from the Johnstons) From: Wolfgang Date: 21 Feb 01 - 07:44 AM I have listened to the Johnstons version last night and have realised after some time that they sing the version that is printed in Colm O Lochlainn, Irish Street Ballads. I can't follow my own link above at the moment so I don't know whether one of the many versions Malcolm has linked to is the version from the Irish Street Ballads. However, it is more or less close to the version posted by Jon above except for his verse 3. If you replace Jon's verse three by the following three verses you have an idea what Colm O Lochlainn has printed:
Being in the summer season and the harvest coming on
The next came was the binder and look'd on me with a frown
The thresher came with his big flail and soon he broke my bones, The next thing that they done to me they dried me in a kiln...(and then go on with Jon's version, verse 4, line 2) Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: Jon Freeman Date: 21 Feb 01 - 12:41 PM Thanks Wolfgang. Isn't memory a funny thing? I have listened to the Johnston's sing this song MANY times and I would have sworn that what I had posted was complete until you posted that! Irish Street Ballads... I must invest in another copy sometime as I have lost mine (presumably I lent it to someone) and I thought it was an excellent book. Jon
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: Wolfgang Date: 22 Feb 01 - 03:10 AM Jon, your version sounded very good to me and I also have played the Johnstons many times. I'm doing research as a job and one of my areas of research is memory and especially faulty memory. Your performance above is just a typical example for memory errors in normal adults (outside of a clinical context). Errors like this happen to everybody (not necessarily daily but more often than we wish for). The typical pattern is that the errors are much more likely errors of omission (leaving out something) then of commission (inventing something which was not there). The only few inventions come from a kind of smoothing process (called: constructive memory) necessary to make the memory production consistent with expectation or story line. For instance, look at your line 1 in verse 4 (They thrashed me, and they steeped me, and they dried me in the kiln). It is nothing but a very creative 'invention' to make good for the lost verses in your recollection. The respective line from Colm (The next thing that they done to me they dried me in a kiln) would have made little sense in the context of your recollection. And that the confidence in memory productions is nearly always too high is so well known that rather the absence of overconfidence should make one worry. You should praise your memory for the near perfect production of 4 verses (you have one or two words 'wrong' in each of the correct verses and not a single of these words matters). Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: barleycorn From: GUEST,Adolfo Date: 22 Feb 01 - 04:41 AM Has anybody mentioned John Reinbourn's version? |
Subject: RE: John Barleycorn From: Felipa Date: 07 Aug 16 - 07:15 AM Leigh Anne Hussey's interpretation (poetic and dramatic) THE PLAY OF JOHN BARLEYCORN copyright ©1995, Leigh Ann Hussey Sower (P) Reaper (Ps) Carter (P) Thresher (P) Miller (P) Malter (Ps) Alewife (Ps) Narrator And, in the part of The Estimable J. Barleycorn, Esq., Everybody Else. Props: boffer flail, scythe, pitchfork, flagstone, cauldron of water, a "nut-brown bowl", an urn-shaped "lota bowl" (from a magic store), enough bread and beer for everybody, something to make heat (a solar reflector?), enough stalks of grain for everybody. Before starting, the lota bowl should be filled with beer. ------------------------------- NARRATOR Awake and hear, my gentle guests, How three men came out of the west, That they would never wait nor rest Their oath was sworn Until they all had sore oppressed John Barleycorn. SOWER Now here come I, a sower strong, Upon my body, it is wrong That Barleycorn should live so long And so reknowned. I'll harrow him where he belongs, Beneath the ground. [Sower, Carter and Thresher position everyone in rows, then sit them down (and throw a big sheet or parachute or something over them?).] NARRATOR And so in Earth Sir John did lie Unseen by any under sky Until the Waters from on high Did wet him there And so he rose, death to defy In living Air. [(The sheet is removed.) Reaper, Malter and Alewife mist everyone with water from spray bottles and hand each person a stalk of grain.] WOMEN Rise up, rise up, Barleycorn, All that dies shall be reborn. [or something like that] NARRATOR The Fiery Sun so burned him gold And in due time Sir John grew old Indeed, his strength it grew tenfold, He flourished so. And all resolved, when they were told, To work him woe. REAPER My brother failed the task he planned, So here come I, with scythe in hand, A reaper fit to clear the land Of all that grows, And Barleycorn shall never stand Against my blows! [Reaper "cuts" everyone down with the scythe.] CARTER Now here come I to play my part -- My fork is keen to pierce his heart, And then I'll bind him to my cart And bear him hence, Where crabtree sticks shall make him smart For his offense! [Carter pokes everyone gently with the pitchfork.] THRESHER Indeed you shall not work alone, For here come I, a thresher known; My flail shall flay him skin from bone With goodly speed, And then beneath the miller's stone He'll die indeed! [Thresher walks about and gives everybody a smack with the boffer flail.] MALTER But first I'll make him suffer sore; Upon my drafty malting floor I'll make him lie, and furthermore For our delight, I'll throw him through my oven door And roast him right! [Malter carries the heating source around and gives everyone a dose.] MILLER I am the miller, as they said, Who Barleycorn may rightly dread. I'll lay the millstone on his head And crush him well, And then he surely will be dead As all can tell. [Miller carries the flagstone about and lays it once on everyone's head.] ALEWIFE Now I, the alewife, join the plot: I'll catch his blood into my pot, And bones and blood and skin the lot, I'll boil them fair, So certainly his death is wrought, That I do swear. [She walks about with the cauldron and the lota bowl. We'll need a shill or two to start everybody, but the idea is that everyone dips their stalk in the cauldron and sprinkles water into the lota bowl.] [At this point, Alewife sets the cauldron aside, the nut-brown bowl is brought out and the contents of the lota bowl poured into it -- there's little enough water that, with a dark enough beer, it shouldn't be particularly noticable, and the effect of the emptying and magically refilling vessel is really impressive.] [The bowl and the (covered) bread are brought to the center and the players make a circle around them.] [Elton & Leigh Ann perform "Corn that Springeth Green".] NARRATOR: Behold what mystery is there, For twice do Earth and Water fair, And twice do Fire and sweet Air, Transmute Sir John. Now taste and know as I declare That he lives on! [Beer and bread are passed around. Leigh Ann sings "Regulus":] REGULUS Long the Plough in nightly circle carved its furrow in the sky; now the Sun will grip the sickle curved around the Lion's eye. Mill of heaven, every hour grinding seasons out as flour high above the harvest plain, turns in beauty, never slowing as the rigs of corn are growing tawny as a lion's mane. And life shall triumph as the barley is cut down, and the night dissolve inside the cup we pass around. Ale is flowing and bestowing wonder and delight on us. Leo rises and advises Sol now rules through Regulus. Ah... Slashed and broken, burned and boiled, Barley dies four times in all. Yet is death's dominion foiled when it's drowned in alcohol. Barley's blood is joy in measure, first-fruits are the Lion's treasure, drunkenness the Lion's price. Who accepts the Lion's ration knows full well the pain and passion in the barley's sacrifice. And life shall triumph... Furze is blooming in the meadow luring bees to their desire; gold becrowns both sun and furrow, splendid with the Lion's fire. We will dance to pipe and tambour, deep we'll drink in gold and amber, drench our limbs in Eros' brine. Warm hearts in the Lion's favor shall the dregs of summer savor heady-sweet as honey wine. And life shall triumph... NARRATOR: Let barley bless both great and small That all so rise that erst did fall. Good fortune be to some and all And everyone; Now heed the groaning table's call: This play is done! |
Subject: RE: John Barleycorn From: Felipa Date: 07 Aug 16 - 07:29 AM UB Ed's post above, Winwood and Traffic version, is the version I learned from the singing of John Roberts and Tony Barrand |
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