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Lyr Add: Jesus in a Snowball

Joe Offer 04 Dec 24 - 12:15 AM
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Subject: Lyr Add: Jesus in a Snowball
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Dec 24 - 12:15 AM

Jerry Michaels and Marian Gade of the San Francisco Bay Area sometimes sing this song at this time of year.

Prairie Home Companion
19 May 02

On the nightstand near my bed, lies Jesus in a snowball,
I turn to Him and say a little prayer,
I bend my knee to the ground, then I turn Him upside down,
Just to let Him know that I am there.
Oh, I am there, (I am there) I am there (I am there)
Oh, just to let Him know that I am there,
I bend my knee to the ground, then I turn Him upside down,
Just to let Him know that I am there.        (last time only) the--ere.

Down in Memphis, Tennessee, I felt the Spirit calling me,
On the Interstate at Earl’s Motor Mall,
All the truckers came to see my gift shop epiphany,
For my Saviour was submerged within a ball.

I know my Saviour died for me, that snowy night on Calvary,
And I must reach Him in case I wake up dead,
So when I say my prayers at night, before I turn out the light,
I turn my Saviour Jesus on his head.

Key: A        JESUS IN A SNOWBALL        Prairie Home Companion
                19 May 02

      A                           D               A
On the nightstand near my bed, lies Jesus in a snowball,
I turn to Him and say a little prayer,
                   A                           D                           A
I bend my knee to the ground, then I turn Him upside down,
               E                        A
Just to let Him know that I am there.
              D                          A
Oh, I am there, (I am there) I am there (I am there)
Oh, just to let Him know that I am there,
              A                           D                           A
I bend my knee to the ground, then I turn Him upside down,
               E                        A                                D         A
Just to let Him know that I am there.        (last time only) the--ere.

A                                                                 D                       A
Down in Memphis, Tennessee, I felt the Spirit calling me,
On the Interstate at Earl’s Motor Mall,
            A                           D                  A
All the truckers came to see my gift shop epiphany,
                     E                              A
For my Saviour was submerged within a ball.

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