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Tech: Google and Mudcat Passwords

Beer 20 Dec 24 - 09:46 PM
Joe Offer 20 Dec 24 - 08:13 PM
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Subject: RE: Tech: Google and Mudcat Passwords
From: Beer
Date: 20 Dec 24 - 09:46 PM

Thanks Joe.

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Subject: Tech: Google and Mudcat Passwords
From: Joe Offer
Date: 20 Dec 24 - 08:13 PM

Hi, Everybody -

I often get emails from Mudcatters asking me to reset their passwords. I'm happy to do it, but there's usually no need for it. Usually, Google has told them that their password is too weak, or that it has been compromised. Remember that Mudcat is just a discussion forum. Our passwords are meant to give you access to personal messages and certain other features. Our messages are not particularly secure, and should not be used for financial transactions or other deep, dark secrets.

I advise people to use simple passwords that they can remember. Our passwords are like a bathroom door lock. A super-duper password won't protect you any more than a simple one will. And our passwords cannot be more than 12 characters long.

So, keep it simple, and don't worry about what Google tells you. If you have password problems, email me.

-Joe Offer, Mudcat Music Editor and Registrar-

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