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Lyr ADD: Destitution Row? / Destitution Road^^

George Seto - 18 Sep 01 - 12:09 AM
jacko@nz 18 Sep 01 - 12:05 AM
Alex 22 Nov 96 - 08:18 PM
Pat Higgins ( 20 Nov 96 - 05:01 PM
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Subject: RE: Destitution Row ( Lyrics Request...)
From: George Seto -
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 12:09 AM

Thanks, Jack

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Subject: Lyr Add: DESTITUTION ROAD (Alistair Hulett)^^
From: jacko@nz
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 12:05 AM

This still seems to be required

(Alistair Hulett)

In the year of the sheep and the burning time
They cut our young men in their prime
The old Scots way was a hanging crime
For the Gaels of Caledonia
There's a den for the fox, a hedge for the hare
A nest in the tree for the birds of the air
But in all Scotland there is nowhere
For the Gaels of Caledonia

But there's no use getting frantic
It's time to hump your load
Across the wide Atlantic
On the destitution road

The bailiffs came wi' the writ an' a'
And the gallant lads o' the Forty twa
They drove you out in the sleet and snaw
The Gaels of Caledonia
When your house was burned and your crops as well
You stood and wept in the blackened shell
And the winter moor was a living hell
For the Gaels of Caledonia

The plague and famine they dragged you down
As you made your way to Glasgow town
You'd heard of a ship that was sailing soon
For the shores of Nova Scotia
You sold your gear, you paid your fare
With your head held high though your heart was sair
And you bid farewell for evermore
To the glens of Caledonia

The land was cleared and the deal was made
Now an English lord in a tartan plaid
He struts and stares as the memories fade
Of the Gaels of Caledonia
And he hunts the deer in the lonely glen
That once was home to a thousand men
And the wind on the moor sings a sad refrain
For the Gaels of Caledonia
E-Mail sent - Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Destitution Row ( Lyrics Request...)
From: Alex
Date: 22 Nov 96 - 08:18 PM

Don't recognize it from the fragment. Do you have any clue to the singer? (Man, woman, group?) Any more lyrics you remember. Date and or location you heard it? (Radio?) The more clues you provide, the better chance of someone recognizing it.

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Subject: Destitution Row ( Lyrics Request...)
From: Pat Higgins (
Date: 20 Nov 96 - 05:01 PM

Hello I'am a bit of a newbie here . I would be grateful if if someone could help with the lyrics of a song describing the clearences of the Scottish Highlands....? I think it's called "Destitution Row"

Some of the words go......

And its no use gettin' frantic , Its time to hump your load, Across the broad Atlantic On the Destitution Row.

Also.... "He hunts for deer in a lonely glen that once was a home to a thousand men......"

Thanks in advance I looked in the Database with no luck Pat Higgins

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