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Who recorded Same Merrygoround?

Jim Dixon 03 Apr 05 - 08:43 PM
Franz S. 31 Mar 05 - 08:23 PM
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From: Jim Dixon
Date: 03 Apr 05 - 08:43 PM

Might as well have the lyrics here.

Copied from the Google cache of Publore archives:


CHORUS: It's the same, same, merry-go-round,
Which one will you ride this year?
The donkey and elephant bob up and down
On the same merry-go-round.

The donkey is tired and thin.
The elephant thinks he'll move in.
They fume and they fuss, but they ain't foolin' us,
'Cause they're brothers right under the skin.

The elephant comes from the North.
The donkey may come from the South.
If you'll look you'll find that the donkey's behind
But they've got the same bit in their mouth.

The donkey and elephant plan
To keep their control of our land,
But don't let them fool you, divide you, and rule you,
'Cause we've got a much better plan.

If you want to end up safe and sound,
Get off that ol' merry-go-round.
To be a real smarty, let's form a new party
And get our two feet on the ground!

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Subject: Who recorded Same Merrygoround?
From: Franz S.
Date: 31 Mar 05 - 08:23 PM

The song "It's The Same Same Merry Go Round" was written by Michael Loring (sp?) for the Wallace campaign in 1948. (I just this morning discovered a campaign button from that time in my stepfather's effects. Thrill!) It has been recently recorded by Rebel Voices in Seattle, but on his 9th Loafer's Glory program Utah Phillips played another recording, with a male voice and chorus, probably recorded in 1948. Likely the voice is Michael Loring's, but does anyone know for sure?

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