Subject: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: bobad Date: 18 Apr 06 - 01:17 PM Scanning the message archives I noted that some posters were wondering/lamenting the fact that their music was unavailable on CD. Their website has the two albums they released along with the front and rear covers available for free download. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Willie-O Date: 18 Apr 06 - 08:32 PM What a treat getting to listen to, and keep, this blast from the past...for those not familiar, I'd recommend "Them Dance Hall Girls" and "Waltze of the Tennis Players"(although I had NO IDEA that was its name), two songs that got beaten and battered to death at every hippie jam and open stage I was ever at back in my formative years...neat to hear "Dance Hall Girls" on the new, now Juno-winning album by the Duhks. Permanent classics. W-O, far gone in nostalgia now... |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST Date: 18 Apr 06 - 08:40 PM Don't forget Broad Daylight Woman. Alan Fraser, perhaps Canada's best unknown lyricist. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Willie-O Date: 19 Apr 06 - 04:28 PM Yeah, Allan who? Daisy is still playing and doing new stuff, but I only heard Fraser on a live radio broadcast a few years ago--playing the same songs with his current wife, the two of them sounding eerily like the old F & D. Other than that, he is outtasight, must have a real job or something. Ian Guenther, their fiddle player, whose fluid style was an essential part of their sound, is still playing and teaching fiddle and lives next door to my cousin in the Junction area of Toronto. W-O |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST Date: 20 Apr 06 - 02:05 PM Allan Fraser. Your page link above shows an e-mail-Allan-Fraser link: You can find bit about him on the web, including on how he wrote These Dance Hall Girls, his class reunion (in Sherbroke Quebec I believe) and his working in advertising in Montreal. Baltimore was a place in eastern Ontario or Quebec, not the states. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Charley Noble Date: 20 Apr 06 - 05:19 PM What a treat! And don't forget to listen to: RMSTRONG TOURIST REST HOME (By Alan Fraser © BMI as sung by Alan Fraser and Daisy DeBolt on FRASER & DEBOLT, Columbia 30381, circa 1970) The reason I get so upset when you talk disassuredly Is where on earth is it leading? The cowboys have trouble with reading, The mistletoe is leaving your head on my shoulder, My, my, my. Your love for me, is an overnight sensation; My love for you, is an overnight sensation too! Constance, what a name, you should have said Felicity, How did you hear I was hungry? That's nonsense, Marie, and you know it, The liquor has made you a little bit bolder, My, my, my. Your love for me, is an overnight sensation; My love for you, is an overnight sensation too! Now that the whole thing is over, Heaven knows what I'll do; I might try to get back to the clover, Or I might stay and play for you. Incense, velvet, simplicity, religion, Where on earth are you going? The cowboys are sprinkling mycelium; The mushrooms keep growing in every new boot print, My, my, my. Your love for me, is an overnight sensation; My love for you, is an overnight sensation too! Anyone have the chords? Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: bobad Date: 20 Apr 06 - 05:24 PM I have the first album on vinyl and have transcribed it to CD. The second, I wasn't aware of - downloaded it and burned it to CD along with the cover - and voila - I now have the entire recorded ouevre of F & deB on CD. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: bobad Date: 19 Sep 10 - 07:54 AM Alan is still doing music and he still has that unique sound to his songs. His partner, Donna Louthood, accompanies him now. They will be appearing at Café NamasThé in Ormstown, Quebec on November 19. Hear them on MySpace. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Beer Date: 19 Sep 10 - 08:26 PM Thanks for the Coffee House plug Bobad. I am looking forward in hearing them. Chris Rawlings contacted me for a possible spring appearance. Will get back to him tomorrow. ad. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Crowhugger Date: 19 Sep 10 - 09:59 PM Hi Bobad, Thanks for that info & link to myspace. I'll enjoy following that up when I have a few minutes to sit, I'm just flying through at the moment. Too bad I'm such a long drive from Ormstown, I'd enjoy hearing the new Fraser& performance. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST,bankley Date: 19 Sep 10 - 10:11 PM Alan is doing okay... There's a project which I was involved with by Dave Andrews which covers 'These Dance Hall Girls' and 'Waltz of the Tennis Players'... he heard them this week and likes the versions beaucoo engineered and produced by Quentin Meek of 'Thunder Thieves' fame !!!! |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Charley Noble Date: 20 Sep 10 - 02:40 AM Nice to hear. This thread sure brings back memories. And I never did figure out the chords to "Armstrong Tourist Rest-Home." Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Hollyhock Date: 20 Sep 10 - 11:24 AM Allan Fraser is also scheduled to appear on Saturday, September 25 at the Branches and Roots Folk Music Festival in Ormstown, Quebec. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Larry The Radio Guy Date: 20 Sep 10 - 12:39 PM Thanks so much, mudcatters, for letting me know that the spirit of Fraser and Debolt still exists. Allan and Donna have a myspace page (Note, the spelling of his name is Allan, not Alan). On the page are a number of his new songs--and they seem pretty good. Try out: Holding on for too Much for Too Long--very reminiscent of the old Fraser & Debolt material. There's even a bit of their old style where Daisy Debolt would sing a fraction of a second behind Al Fraser. Interestingly, many years ago when Fraser & Debolt were playing at "The Hovel" in Edmonton, I asked Daisy Debolt about that, and she said the style developed because she just couldn't bother to learn the words to Al's songs. (I guess that didn't bode well for their relationship). Anyway, it's great that both of them are still making great music, albeit with others rather than with each other. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST,Allan Fraser Date: 05 Nov 10 - 05:33 PM The reason I get so upset When you talk this assuredly Is where in the world Is it leading ? Thanks for enjoying the music. There is a full version of Armstrong Tourest Rest Home which Daisy wrote about a Montreal rooming house near McGill U where she and her then partner Riki Gee used to stay when they were playing the Venus de Milo Room on Ste Catherine St. The atonal album segment took off from a Vivaldi piece Ian knew. We may release it soon on Roaratorio Records pending agreement by all parties. Contact me at Hope to see y'all in O-town. Peace and excitement, AF |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Beer Date: 05 Nov 10 - 05:51 PM Use to go to that spot on a regular basis and listen to an Irish group called "Cutty Sark" See you in a couple of weeks. I will get in touch with you before show time. Adrien |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: bobad Date: 05 Nov 10 - 05:54 PM The Venus de Milo Room, thanks Allan, I've been trying to remember the name of that venue for years now. I saw a concert with you and Daisy there back in '69 or '70, it was in the winter if I recall correctly, the ol' memory ain't what it used to be. Loved the concert and your music and still do. Hope to catch you in O'town. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST Date: 05 Nov 10 - 07:20 PM I got to play there for several weeks with Sue Lothrop, Jesse Wnchester and Bill Martucci. The only time I met the McGerrigle sisters. Everybody in town was coming to see Jesse. He was and continues to be truly great ! Thin-line archtop jazz Gibson guitar and a vintage amp. Sue and I did Buffy Ste Marie's little Wheel Spin and Spin and Jesse would weave his Black Dog Magic. A real high point. The owner's name was Philip Carrie sp?, a prominent Greek businessman who gave me important support at the beginning. There I first saw the Stormy Clovers with Susan Janes and they influenced me forever. At one point on the first gig there with Sue, he asked me if I could please speak to the back-up guitarist (Jesse) to see if he could maybe wear a jacket and put on a tie. Thankfully, Jesse was graceful and showed up the next night with a large silk bowscarf. You should have heard Jesse playing Tim Hardin's Misty Roses in the dressing room. God is good. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST Date: 05 Nov 10 - 07:27 PM Hey Adrien, Looking forward to playing your club. Donna and I are warming up the pipes and it is going to be like old home week for us. I will email again before the event. Allan |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Charley Noble Date: 05 Nov 10 - 09:03 PM Allan- Thanks for posting to this thread! And thanks for the background notes on "Armstrong Tourist Rest Home." And I'm still puzzled over what chords are used for "Armstrong Tourist Rest Home." You would think that I'd be able to figure them out by now, but no. Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST,Fraser & Date: 06 Nov 10 - 07:48 AM The more melodic section could follow the Vivaldi piece. The long notes before my long suspended tone were devised by Daisy and Ian. They were trying for an atonal avante garde sweep. I was just blasting away a cappricio at the end although we knew we were going to do a descending line in ultra-close harmonies but still distinct. The thread here above may have used Waltz of the Tennis Players lyrics for Armstrong. I hope Daisy won't mind if I give you a few of the startout lyrics. She wrote Armstrong Tourest Rest Home. Hello, hello This is not the day that we could wish for always. Hello, hello Don't let all the blue things get you down It ends with, You've really got to mean it when you try. MMMMM Daisy, You nailed it. Allan |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Charley Noble Date: 06 Nov 10 - 09:55 AM Thanks again. Allan. I wore out the original vinyl recording but fortunately I found a back-up in a remainder bin. Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST,999 Date: 06 Nov 10 - 10:19 AM You make sure you stop in when you get to town. I`ll be at your gig. Bruce M |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST,bankley Date: 06 Nov 10 - 03:44 PM hey ol' space cadet... I sent you CDs and they came back unopened, 'no such address--return to sender'... reminded me of an Elvis song... too bad man, I included a lotto ticket that hit the jackpot a few days later !!! ha, ha |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST,Allan Fraser Date: 18 Nov 10 - 10:50 AM hey Ron. never saw them. Dang me! Donna and I are at Namasthe Cafe in Ormstown tomorrow. I am enjoying Bruce Murdoch's new album very much and would love to have received your cd's. Later, Old Friend, Fraser and p s : loto tickets are also welcome |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST Date: 18 Nov 10 - 11:18 AM Good morning, Adrien, Donna and I will be taking the bus around 6 tomorrow (Friday) night. I will try to phone this afternoon too. Allan Fraser |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Beer Date: 18 Nov 10 - 01:12 PM I'm home. ad. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: GUEST,bankley Date: 19 Nov 10 - 08:04 AM Alan, you're going to have a good time there... I'll bring the cds to you next time I'm in Mtl. and Beer... the dvds work.. thanks again |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Beer Date: 19 Nov 10 - 10:45 PM Allan and Donna put on a wonderful show this evening at the Café Namasthe. Audience was very attentive and showed their appreciation by having them do two encores. Great Ron... Happy the dvd's worked. ad. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Beer Date: 20 Nov 10 - 11:48 PM Refresh |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: bobad Date: 20 Feb 11 - 09:42 AM Fraser & DeBolt Live at The Philidelphia Folk Festival 1971 |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Charley Noble Date: 20 Feb 11 - 10:26 AM Wow! That video certainly takes me back to another world. And there are other Fraser & DeBolt videos there as well. Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Dorothy Parshall Date: 20 Feb 11 - 06:43 PM Terrific! |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Beer Date: 21 Feb 11 - 05:34 PM A world of peace and love or so it seemed. ad. Thanks bobad. |
Subject: RE: For Fraser and DeBolt Fans From: Charley Noble Date: 19 Mar 25 - 08:15 PM Refreshing! |
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