ABC players
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Subject: ABC players From: Paul Burke Date: 17 Dec 08 - 04:26 AM This has probably been covered before, but search seems to be down... What's the consensus as to the best ABC player at the moment? I've been using ABC Player, but it's riddled with bugs and doesn't seem to have been updated for 8 years. |
Subject: RE: ABC players From: Tangledwood Date: 17 Dec 08 - 04:37 AM Not specifically an ABC player, but Melody Assistant handles ABC files plus many other functions. That's my preference. |
Subject: RE: ABC players From: pavane Date: 17 Dec 08 - 05:23 AM My program HARMONY imports and plays most abc files (including chords and those with several voices). (PC/Windows only, I am afaid) Get it from my site http://www.greenhedges.com |
Subject: RE: ABC players From: pavane Date: 17 Dec 08 - 06:00 AM HARMONY can also play ABC tunes with grace notes, and Part specifications (like A2 AB2 AC). It can also transpose the tunes, print, edit. |
Subject: RE: ABC players From: davyr Date: 17 Dec 08 - 06:40 AM BarFly is good for Mac users: http://www.barfly.dial.pipex.com/ |
Subject: RE: ABC players From: Will Fly Date: 17 Dec 08 - 09:04 AM I use Harmony Assistant (Myriad Software) which converts between many different file formats. |
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