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Help: Save Max 2

Bert 02 Mar 00 - 05:34 PM
wysiwyg 02 Mar 00 - 05:58 PM
wysiwyg 02 Mar 00 - 06:01 PM
Amos 02 Mar 00 - 06:08 PM
Mbo 02 Mar 00 - 06:24 PM
Amos 02 Mar 00 - 07:21 PM
Banjer 02 Mar 00 - 07:38 PM
Amos 02 Mar 00 - 08:55 PM
wysiwyg 03 Mar 00 - 04:33 AM
annamill 03 Mar 00 - 09:52 AM
Skipjack K8 03 Mar 00 - 10:07 AM
MMario 03 Mar 00 - 10:08 AM
Amos 03 Mar 00 - 11:52 AM
catspaw49 03 Mar 00 - 12:05 PM
MMario 03 Mar 00 - 12:18 PM
MMario 03 Mar 00 - 12:20 PM
catspaw49 03 Mar 00 - 12:22 PM
Amos 03 Mar 00 - 12:27 PM
wysiwyg 03 Mar 00 - 07:24 PM
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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: Bert
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 05:34 PM

It's here Annap.

Moonbaby's bid came in after the auction closed - her computer went down.


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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: wysiwyg
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 05:58 PM

When you pick on anyone here the way you tease Mbo, it makes me want to run for the hills. Maybe it doesn't bother him or anyone else but I've had to eat so much of that sh*t that I get a bad taste in my mouth, whoever's plate it's headed for, and I don't care if they ordered it either, you don't have to serve it as the house special.

And I love you all too much to leave, now.

So please remember, when you make a sh*t sandwich for your Mudcat friends, that I can smell it from here.

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: wysiwyg
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 06:01 PM

PS, I am not coming back to this thread, so don't answer me.

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: Amos
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 06:08 PM

Well, I will anyway. Mbo, I always hope that our roughhousing on these various threads has not gotten under your skin, and i want you to know it was in know way meant to reduce you or make less of you. I count you as a friend, and I try not to hurt friends, so if I have misestimated, let me know. I apologize to you if so.

We put a certain amount of our personae into a public domain when we write to threads like these, and the humor of them is -- I think -- more around the forms we have mutally materialized in cyberspace than it is about those behind the keyboards. I hope this is not just a cheap rationalization but I do not think so.

Mbo, what do you think?

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: Mbo
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 06:24 PM

I'm sorry not to agree with you there Praise, but I fun all this stuff actually quite humorous! I know folks are just being funny...Mudcatters are good folks (except anonymous flamers) and I am glad to have them as friends. To take the time even to poke fun at my lack of a love life of any sort, let's me know they're there for me. At least I'm getting lots of attention, and several 'Catters are trying to fix me up with their daughters! **BOG**

As for web personae, I can assure you that my web personae is truly who I am. I have studied hard throughout my life and know lots of things others wouldn't bother to learn...but I don't express my self very well verbally. Writing, like I'm doing now, is the most perfect way of expressing myself. I get to think about what I want to say, and don't sound like a mumbling fool. It's true that in real life I am very shy, nervous, and scared of people. I will go out of my way NOT to talk on a telephone, or ask someone for help....I even start sweating and get nervous when I do something as simple as checking out a library book, or buying stamps. If you met me in real life, you would probably never guess that I was the same person. This is definately part of why I'm such a "lonely boy"....But let me tell you, that if I know you very well, I never shut up! As many here can attest to!


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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: Amos
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 07:21 PM

Well said, Mbo. I am much releived to learn I have not been torturing you, and will return to my insensitive buffoonery with a clear conscience. Praise: neener neener neener, mbo said it was alriiight...

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: Banjer
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 07:38 PM

'Spaw, in his recent post made reference to inflatable persons. There is no way to tell how much the lad might bid for a few hours spent with a real that does not require inflation. Little does he know how true that is. It seems most of the females of the opposite sex I have had the pleasure(?) of knowing have been real airheads. Immediate family included!! Take my wife for example.(Please!!) I come home from work today and ask quite innocently, "What's for dinner?". Her reply, "I don't know, I worked nine hours at my job today" What is her job? Cashier in a grocery store. She spends nine hours looking at food and has NO idea what's for dinner! Thank goodness she wears those lead boots, else she would float away.

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: Amos
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 08:55 PM

Well now, Banjer, they say that to someone with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. So to someone armed only with a cash register, everything looks like a price tag, no? And you wouldn't want 'em in your soup!


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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: wysiwyg
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 04:33 AM

I have received a message in my personal page "asking" that I come back to this thread, and others telling me I don't need to stick up for Mbo. And one really rude and mean note too, thanks so much. And one really nice caring one, altho off target. Someone mentioned Mother Teresa, and I still don't get that one.

What was I thinking? I thought maybe a nudge, that the "good fun" you were having wasn't necessarily fun for all, might be relevant. Oh well. Some of you forgot that not everyone knows the history behind every item in the forum, and I don't know you all well enough not to get scared sometimes. Risk of newbies, eh?

Most of the mail in my personal page looked to me like people responding to who they think I ought to be. Well, I am not just one-dimensional. I have a full spice shelf. I'll be the first to admit that I may not always use it properly... but every once in awhile I may let out a holler if you jump on my toes, even if inadvertently.

I really was not trying to stick up for anybody. Mbo is perfectly capable of doing that at any time he decides it makes sense to, and I'm not his mom.

I wrote what I did in this thread because what was being said was personally hurtful to me, and I said so. It's as simple as that. If that is hard to understand, I'm sorry. I said it as clear as I could.

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: annamill
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 09:52 AM

Banjer, shame. I think what she was implying, and it sounded pretty reasonable to me, was that she had worked hard too and maybe, just maybe, you should be the one to make dinner tonight. ;-)

Thank you, Bert.

Love, annap

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: Skipjack K8
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 10:07 AM

Sheet, banjer, the store's gotta be more fun than you, mate!


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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: MMario
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 10:08 AM

I would agree that sometimes, even when you KNOW something is being said "in fun" and is being taken that way by the primary recipiant, that it can still be distasteful and even hurtful to "innocent bystanders" - in this case, readers of the thread.

I think it's a natural reaction that after you have been shot, or hit by a ricochet, watching a shoot-out is no longer entertainment.

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: Amos
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 11:52 AM

Well, I am truly sorry that what I said caused alarums and discomfort. But I honestly thought that what I said was funny, and did not think it would cause any pain either in Mbo or in anyone -- it never crossed my mind, Praise, that I was stepping on your toes...I didn't even know you were standing there :>). Granted it was a risque -- even lewd -- double entendre, but it was NOI (no offense intended), and I would like to feel likewise NOT (no offense taken).


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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: catspaw49
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 12:05 PM


Well I'm glad Meebo isn't offended, never thought he was, and I'm extremely likely to go over the top again.... and to Praise and Mario et al, if this has brought up painful feelings, I understand and I apologize for that. But I lived most of my life in an environment where (insert word you use for "cutting on each other" or "cappin") was expected and expertise was a survival skill of sorts.(:<)) Sorry.

.....but it'll probably happen again.


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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: MMario
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 12:18 PM

I'm not jumpin' on anyone, and I agree, my humour tends to go the same direction as yours, 'spaw. But sometimes "put down" humour will trigger buttons, and you have to expect that to happen occasionally. The thing is, the buttons pushed could be on anyone....

the other danger is when it's between friends, and strangers think that the same behavior will be acceptable from them....

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: MMario
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 12:20 PM

in udder woirds, 'spaw -- if ya gonna pucker up to a possum, you better expect to get farted on once in a while....*gr*

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: catspaw49
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 12:22 PM

...and I'm always ready Mario!!! (:<))


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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: Amos
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 12:27 PM

Friends and neighbors, take note of Spaw's humble words -- from him, it's a full-fledged on-yer-knees-eat-the-grass apology!

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Subject: RE: Help: Save Max 2
From: wysiwyg
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 07:24 PM

No 'Spaw, don't eat that!!!!!

Love you all, specially those of you who already knew that.

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