Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Ringer Date: 06 Jun 02 - 12:53 PM Litchfield? |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Gareth Date: 06 Jun 02 - 02:27 PM If it wasn't for the English, what would the Scots and Irish complain about. Gareth |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 06 Jun 02 - 02:41 PM The Welsh for a start... |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Lonesome EJ Date: 06 Jun 02 - 03:16 PM There'll always be an England as long as there's the rain or old gents on the beach in sweaters, though the weather's hot as Spain Or egg and chips for breakfast with beans and marmelade or Indian grub in a London Pub, or an lukewarm pint in the shade As long as bakery maids wear uniforms and close from 3 to five and you can't get fish til "frying time" to keep your self alive As long as there are doubledeck buses and phone booths built like tanks There'll always be an England (to the confusion of us Yanks) LEJ :>} |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 06 Jun 02 - 04:59 PM But the proper red phoneboxes have mostly gone the way of the 'Oggy Man.
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Les from Hull Date: 06 Jun 02 - 05:40 PM Red phoneboxes? You've got RED phoneboxes? |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Paul from Hull Date: 06 Jun 02 - 06:20 PM Yep.... & allegedly, the places with RED ones allegedly have glass in the windows too, Les.... |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: GUEST,ozmacca Date: 06 Jun 02 - 06:28 PM Ummm, Dave, thanks for the teapot explanation and link, but all I got was a photo of a bunch of ice-cream vendors running round waiting for Albert and Harold Steptoe to finish with the outdoor urinal. Is this another strange and disturbing English tradition which I wot not of?... Or even of which I wot not? |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Linda Kelly Date: 06 Jun 02 - 06:31 PM look-don't draw attention to the telephone boxes -the next thing they will be swarming over the borders and into the city and they won't be our little secret anymore!!! P.S. |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Linda Kelly Date: 06 Jun 02 - 06:40 PM Sorry there is not any P.S.! |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: GUEST,ozmacca Date: 06 Jun 02 - 06:46 PM Too late! - Red phone-boxes (some even complete with glass!) have been disappearing from their habitat in the UK to crop up down in the Antipodes, heavily disguised as miniature greenhouses, alongside such monuments to good taste as the concrete kangaroo and other garden kitsch. |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 06 Jun 02 - 08:26 PM Not many of them left now - but the ones that are tend be have been classified as listed buildings, so they should be safe. Here is a site with some pictures and stuff. |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 06 Jun 02 - 08:29 PM And here are some pictures of some of them in their natural habitat. |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: GUEST,ozmacca Date: 06 Jun 02 - 08:34 PM Aye, and nine o' them in the photies are in Scotland...... And them an introdueced species forbye. |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Malcolm Douglas Date: 06 Jun 02 - 08:41 PM They're probably breeding them to be shot for fun and profit. |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: GUEST,ozmacca Date: 06 Jun 02 - 08:53 PM Aye! So a' they damned sassenach absentee landords wi' their yuppie yodellin' yankee hingers-on can traipse ower the hallowed heather highland hills o' my hairy ancestors.... Wi' their Volvos and range-Rovers an' green wellies, banging away day an' nicht. Aye, an' firin' guns tae! Mutter, grumble, damt bluidy cheek....... |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Malcolm Douglas Date: 06 Jun 02 - 09:15 PM The majority of absentee landlords nowadays are from rather further away than England (as are the majority of the gunmen) as I'm sure you know. Still, I'd be interested to know how the beaters get up a covey of phone boxes; it would be a sight, I think. |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: artbrooks Date: 06 Jun 02 - 09:44 PM Speaking from the states, where the species is spreading all the time, I'm suggest beginning a series of calls from telephone soliciters (soliciter means people selling stuff to us, rather than lawyers) trying to sell cellular telephones. That should be enough to have the telephone boxes running for the hills! |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: GUEST,ozmacca Date: 06 Jun 02 - 09:48 PM Malcolm, I believe one traditional method required the beater to approach them from downwind, while facing the other way, pretending that there is no-one you need to call up. Otherwise, if they think they may be the possible target of a hunter, they jam their door shut and hide in the long bracken. Another recommended practice is for the hunter to make contact with the quarry himself, and to tackle the beast with his bare hands. It is possible to approach the prey without alarming it by reading aloud from an outdated but intact copy of the white pages. This is actually a form of bait, and would appear to be their favourite food, as fragments are usually found in the intestinal space of many after they have been gutted. There is an interesting school of thought which holds that they will actually come when called, responding to the sound made by rattling coins together. Older mature specimens will respond to the sound made by four copper pennies. The Society for the Protection of Phone Boxes and Associated Public Conveniences lists many methods of confounding the so-called sportsman who still insists on pursuing this cruel blood-sport. Unfortunately, a thriving trade in the stuffed carcasses of victims of these depradations seems to be supported by anm export industry greedy for foreign money. It is to be hoped that patronage by prominent members of the Royal Family may bring an end to this dreadful destruction of one of our last indigenous wild species. |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Dave Bryant Date: 07 Jun 02 - 04:32 AM In Kingston-upon-Thames we have a whole queue of red phone boxes falling over - I'll try |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: ozmacca Date: 07 Jun 02 - 05:36 AM Ah, the actibvities perpetrated in the name of tradition in England never cease to amaze me. As I sit to type this, a report on our national Aussie TV describes an activity in the Cotswolds (I think) regarding the rolling of a cheese down a hill. Is this morris under a different name? |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Micca Date: 07 Jun 02 - 08:58 AM While on the subject of Morris dancing I heard someone (?dont remember who?) sing a song possibly at the Yorkshire gathering, (CRS courtesy of Lots of Scrumpy Jack at £1 an(English)Pint!!!!) the chorus went- " Waving Handkerchies, Waving Handkerchies Big fat men with Bells on Waving Handkerchies" the tune was " Bringing in the sheaves" anyone have the rest of the words? |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Dave the Gnome Date: 07 Jun 02 - 09:38 AM Have you not sussed it yet??? You don't use beaters to bring the phone boxes out of the wild. You use...
Wait for it...
Morris dancers!!! |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Malcolm Douglas Date: 07 Jun 02 - 09:44 AM Cheese-rolling still goes on at Cooper's Hill, Brockworth, and at Randwick near Stroud (both in Gloucestershire) so far as I know; formerly it seems to have been more widespread. There's an account of an occasion at Uffington (Berkshire) in Thomas Hughes' book The Scouring of the White Horse (1859). It's a pretty dangerous activity by all accounts. |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 07 Jun 02 - 10:01 AM Cheese rolling - it'd be a great Olympics sport, and no crazier than some of the ones they've got. |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Les from Hull Date: 07 Jun 02 - 10:34 AM Oh to be in England, now that morris dancers are rolling telephone boxes down hills! |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Micca Date: 07 Jun 02 - 11:38 AM Les, It is not fitting for you folks in the "land of anaemic phone boxes" to make snide remarks about our "glorious red boxes", I once spent ages in Hull looking for a public phone with no sucess.. because the boxes were the "wrong" colour!!! |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Dave Wynn Date: 07 Jun 02 - 11:38 AM I have just read this thread. I followed it all the way to the second posting then lost my brain on a silly roll of the dice. Ending with rolling Red phone boxes down hills. Please let it be me that is sane coz the alternative is that I have joined a community of complete nutters. Spot |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Penny S. Date: 07 Jun 02 - 06:26 PM A local publican had a very nasty fall (he wuz tripped, clearly in the video) on his second run(?) down the hill. He went head over heels, landing, after flying through the air, on his shoulders (pointing uphill), just keeping his head out of the way, then going over again, from which he got up and sort of ran to the bottom of the hill. He has any number of stitches in his head, and the cheese from his first race. It is astonishing that he was back in the pub pulling pints later. Cotswold Oolitic Limestone is hard, and lumpy, doesn't make nice smooth slopes like the Chalk. They'll be trying to ban it again.. Penny |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 07 Jun 02 - 09:05 PM I have joined a community of complete nutters.
Got it in one... |
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England... From: Eric the Viking Date: 08 Jun 02 - 07:05 PM The best night of TV was when they had the sex pistols on, God save the Queen!!!! |