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Mudcat, the songs

Tucker 03 May 99 - 10:06 PM
Joe Offer 03 May 99 - 11:05 PM
Tucker 03 May 99 - 11:53 PM
Banjer 04 May 99 - 06:42 AM
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Subject: Mudcat, the songs
From: Tucker
Date: 03 May 99 - 10:06 PM

I really don't mean to create a thread here but Joe I went cruising for Paradise a wee bit ago. You guys have got one hell of a reportaire (?) of songs! Simply amazing. I come here a lot to talk (ya'll have surely noticed)and sometimes to find words to a certain song, but I never wandered that much. Geez! Do you know what I would have done for a resource like this in the early 60's? I used to buy Hootenanny magazines for words to one song! Mags then, like now, aren't cheap (anyone buy a paperback novel lately?)Anyway, allow me to say thank you. I truly appreciate it as I am sure all of us do.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat, the songs
From: Joe Offer
Date: 03 May 99 - 11:05 PM

Hi, tucker - Dick Greenhaus and Susan of DT have done admirable work as curators of the Digital Tradition Folk Song Database for over ten years now. There are over 7,000 songs in the database now. Ain't it grand?
-Joe Offer, in a library in Colorado on an awful computer-

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Subject: RE: Mudcat, the songs
From: Tucker
Date: 03 May 99 - 11:53 PM

Dear Joe, Dick and Susan. Aye, It is grand. I was simply amazed. I haven't had my guitar out for serious playing for sometime now but I was inspired. I went out on my porch and started to play ( I live next to a frat house now, some TKE lads moved in next to me) They actually stopped partying to listen! Party pooper me! Point being, I saw songs I haven't even thought about in ages and I appreciate seeing them, being able to hear how some go that I wondered about, getting the lyrics and sometimes the chords (I'm not too good at actually reading music). 7000! you do good work folks, keep it up. You have my thanks, Tucker

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Subject: RE: Mudcat, the songs
From: Banjer
Date: 04 May 99 - 06:42 AM

Excellent work indeed Tucker, all done on a VOLUNTEER basis by Max, our host, Susan and Dick, and largely siupported by the constant monitoring and much needed help of Joe Offer, (the keeper of the HTML and Blue Clicky Thingies). Tucker, take a minute to click on the "Help Support The Mudcat" logo at the top of you screen. Follow the prompts and instructions and act on them! I did and believe me it is one heckuva good feeling knowing that in some small way you have been able to give something back to these good folks.


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