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Origins: Bread and Gravy

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In Mudcat MIDIs:
Bulbes (Potatoes - Yiddish) (from Mir Trogn a Gezang, Mlotek) 12 May 99 - 09:02 AM
Jeri 13 May 99 - 10:30 AM 13 May 99 - 11:49 AM
Sandy Paton 13 May 99 - 01:51 PM
Blake 14 May 99 - 12:51 PM
Jeri 14 May 99 - 10:52 PM
Blake 15 May 99 - 06:02 AM
Banjer 15 May 99 - 07:33 AM
Blake 16 May 99 - 07:00 AM
Blake 17 May 99 - 08:11 AM
Jeri 17 May 99 - 10:00 AM
Blake 21 May 99 - 06:23 AM
Jeri 22 May 99 - 11:03 AM
Dale Rose 08 Jan 00 - 01:49 PM
Mark Cohen 08 Jan 00 - 04:42 PM
Mark Cohen 08 Jan 00 - 04:48 PM
Joe Offer 08 Jan 00 - 04:52 PM
Jeri 09 Jan 00 - 12:52 PM
Sandy Paton 09 Jan 00 - 01:04 PM
Jeri 09 Jan 00 - 01:11 PM
Sandy Paton 09 Jan 00 - 01:36 PM
Jeri 09 Jan 00 - 02:01 PM
GUEST,Blake Henry --- 24 Jun 00 - 06:17 AM
Noreen 26 Jun 00 - 03:24 PM
GUEST,Blake Henry --- 26 Jun 00 - 04:24 PM
kendall 26 Jun 00 - 04:34 PM
Art Thieme 26 Jun 00 - 04:53 PM
Joe Offer 14 Oct 03 - 02:35 AM
Jim Dixon 15 Oct 03 - 10:23 PM
Joe Offer 16 Oct 03 - 04:09 AM
Backstage Manager(inactive) 07 Jun 04 - 09:09 AM
GUEST,Bernie 07 Jun 04 - 02:14 PM
GUEST,Captain Beefart 10 Nov 05 - 05:08 AM
GUEST,silvia 09 Jan 08 - 07:58 PM
Waddon Pete 10 Jan 08 - 04:19 PM
GUEST,Dianne 14 Jan 08 - 01:59 AM
Jim Dixon 15 Jan 08 - 07:44 AM
GUEST 04 Feb 08 - 03:47 PM
GUEST,Dick Weaver-Little Fudges Creek-Cabell Count 11 Jul 08 - 07:20 PM
GUEST,The Bard Rocks 09 Aug 08 - 10:45 PM
GUEST,Guest, et 19 Aug 08 - 01:57 PM
grant's niece 23 Aug 08 - 07:24 PM
GUEST,Lisa 24 Sep 08 - 02:43 PM
Bat Goddess 24 Sep 08 - 07:48 PM
GUEST,dianne 14 Oct 08 - 01:53 AM
GUEST,JCUB 14 Feb 09 - 01:00 PM
GUEST 10 May 09 - 10:50 AM
GUEST,guest 22 Jun 09 - 06:49 PM
GUEST,ajp 04 Aug 09 - 10:57 PM
GUEST 11 Aug 09 - 05:09 PM
GUEST,Jack Ripley 21 Oct 09 - 09:06 PM
GUEST,TGMorg 09 Jan 10 - 11:18 PM
GUEST,999 10 Jan 10 - 01:04 AM
GUEST,999 10 Jan 10 - 02:03 AM
Artful Codger 10 Jan 10 - 02:56 AM
GUEST,999 10 Jan 10 - 04:36 PM
GUEST,Charles 19 Jan 10 - 12:37 PM
Jim Dixon 21 Apr 10 - 09:30 PM
GUEST 22 May 10 - 09:26 PM
Joe Offer 22 May 10 - 09:45 PM
GUEST,Karen G 03 Jan 11 - 09:18 PM
GUEST 05 Apr 11 - 02:59 AM
GUEST 18 Aug 11 - 12:28 AM
GUEST 09 Nov 13 - 12:26 PM
GUEST 09 Nov 13 - 12:47 PM
GUEST,Hal Warren 29 Dec 15 - 06:37 PM
GUEST,Catherine 10 Sep 17 - 11:20 PM
leeneia 11 Sep 17 - 11:24 AM
GUEST,Chords 25 Mar 18 - 02:56 PM
GUEST 09 Oct 22 - 05:28 PM
Joe Offer 09 Oct 22 - 11:50 PM
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Subject: ADD: Bread and Gravy
Date: 12 May 99 - 09:02 AM

This is an old song that my family sings and I want to find out who did it and see if I can play it on my guitar.

--I've traveled this country all over and been to the best of hotels.
Some were good some were bad some were lowsy
and some were the best that they had.
The last place I stopped was a lulu so quiet so clean and so neat
But you'll wonder why I am alive today when I tell you what they gave us to eat.

On Monday was bread and gravy
on Tuesday was bread and gravy
and on Wed. and Thur. was gravy and toast
which is nothing but gravy and bread.
So on Friday I went to the landloard
and asked for a bit of a change
so on Staurday morning by way of a change
we had gravy w/o any bread.

That is all I have please help

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Jeri
Date: 13 May 99 - 10:30 AM

We sing this in our friday session. I'll see if I can corner the guy who leads it and write down the lyrics.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
Date: 13 May 99 - 11:49 AM

That is wild I thought only our family new that old song ! If you can find any info like who wrote it who preformed it anything would be great. Thank You Jeri, Blake

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Sandy Paton
Date: 13 May 99 - 01:51 PM

If there's any more to the song, I've never heard it. I collected it, almost exactly as you have it, Blake, back in the 60s, from Grant Rogers, a great old singer and fiddler (and sometime quarry worker) in the Catskills. I included it on Grant Rogers, Songmaker of the Catskills, an LP that is now available as a "custom cassette" from Folk-Legacy Records.


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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Blake
Date: 14 May 99 - 12:51 PM

Thank You Sandy, Did you compile the Grant Rodgers LP yourself? That is great! Thank you sooooo much! This has really been a great experience for me and I will be back to talk with you again soon. I will definitely be back to here from Judy as well maybe on Monday. Thank You again please feel free to email me at or my web site Maybe I will put in a link to this site. Blake

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Subject: ADD: Bread and Gravy
From: Jeri
Date: 14 May 99 - 10:52 PM

Went to the session and asked my friend to sing the song, explained about the request. He did. (Major key, somewhat complicated tune for folk music, and a lot of gratuitous harmony since everyone here knows it.) Here's David's shorter version:

"on Mon we had bread and gravy,
On Tues was gravy and bread,
On Wed and Thu was gravy and toast,
Which is nothing but gravy and bread,
So on Fri I went to the landlord,
To get something else instead,
So on Sat morning by way of a change,
We had gravy without any bread.

David says it's a song his family has always sung - he learned it from his mom when he was little, and he's close to 70, if not already there, so the song goes back at least to the '30s. His mom still lives in the family house in Canada - Quebec, I think - and he said he'd ask her about the song next time he talks to her.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Blake
Date: 15 May 99 - 06:02 AM

Thank you Jeri, I am 30 and it was a song my grandfather used to sing at family gatherings. The way he sang it was slow and smooth you know so others could join in. David is about 10+ years younger than my grandfather would have been so maybe it had been song even prior to the '30s when the song may have been popular not that it isn't now by the looks of things. I am from Southport CT. as was my grandfather and before him my great grandparents were from Ireland but I think the song is American. Thanks again Jeri and I look forward too seeing what else we can find. Blake

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Banjer
Date: 15 May 99 - 07:33 AM

Neat little song, folk tradition in action.....

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Blake
Date: 16 May 99 - 07:00 AM

I will check back with everyone on Monday and meanwhile I will try and do some research now that I can narrow the search to the 30s. Thanks guys and I hope to speak to you all Monday, Blake

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Blake
Date: 17 May 99 - 08:11 AM

Just a quick note to say hello and to get my question to the top of the list.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Jeri
Date: 17 May 99 - 10:00 AM

I don't know if it's the same song, but in the ASCAP database, there's a "Bread and Gravy" registered to Hoagy Carmichael. It doesn't appear he ever recorded it, though. There is an "M. Waters" listed as recording artist.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Blake
Date: 21 May 99 - 06:23 AM

Hello, I looked into that Hoagy Carmichael and it turns out that it is a Jazz song from the 30's. I am not sure if it was the right song. I could not find anything on M. Waters. I am still searching.Thank you again Jeri. Blake

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Jeri
Date: 22 May 99 - 11:03 AM

Well - I screwed up (sorry). It's "E" Waters. (Excuse: the "M" fell over?) Maybe Ethel? I haven't been very successful in looking for more info. Discographies I can find don't have track listings.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Dale Rose
Date: 08 Jan 00 - 01:49 PM

Grandpa Jones did a version which was somewhat different ~~ haven't heard it since the early 50s or so. If memory serves, it went something like this.

On Monday we have bread and gravy
On Tuesday it's gravy and bread
On Wednesday and Thursday,it's gravy on toast
But that's only gravy and bread
On Friday it's rye bread and gravy
On Saturday it's whole wheat instead
But Sunday's a treat, 'cause we never get meat
We just have gravy without any bread!

Whatever else there may have been to his version, I've forgotten.

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Subject: Bread and Gravy
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 08 Jan 00 - 04:42 PM

I seem to recall hearing the "Bread and Gravy" song on television in the 50's or early 60's, which means it may have been recorded somewhere. For some reason I think it may have been on Captain Kangaroo, but Sing Along with Mitch also comes to mind. And, to further complicate things, the last two lines I recall, after "Thursday", are:

On that day we went to the principal, and asked for something instead
So on Friday for luncheon by way of a change...we had gravy without any bread.

That would make sense if it had been turned into a kids' song for the good Captain, since there's no school on Saturday. By the way, if this brings back any memories to young boomers out there, there was a fascinating thread about Captain Kangaroo some months back, that I started with a request for the song "A Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion Patch." You can use Max's fantastic new Forum Supersearch engine to find it. (How's that for thread creep?)


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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 08 Jan 00 - 04:48 PM

The Captain Kangaroo thread is here. I see that my original post referred to the Bread and Gravy song, so there must be another thread about it from last spring, that I don't have time to track down.

Max, the Supersearch is Super!


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Subject: Bread and Gravy
From: Joe Offer
Date: 08 Jan 00 - 04:52 PM

Hey, this song sure sounds familiar. From the first post, I gather it's a variation on Rosin the Beau (Bow)/Acres of Clams/The Old Settler's Song - is that the tune for it?
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Jeri
Date: 09 Jan 00 - 12:52 PM

A correction to the lyrics I posted - the second to last line should be:

"And on Saturday morn, just as sure as you're born."


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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Sandy Paton
Date: 09 Jan 00 - 01:04 PM

No, Joe, the tune is not the same as the old "Rosin the Beau" used by "Acres of Clams," etc. Next time we get together, or chat on that antique device, the telephone, I'll show you how Grant Rogers sang it, since I don't have the tech know-how to post it.


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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Jeri
Date: 09 Jan 00 - 01:11 PM

Sandy, I just sent Joe a MIDI. When it gets posted, maybe you could listen and tell us if it's the same as the one Grant Rogers sings, and if it sounds correct.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Sandy Paton
Date: 09 Jan 00 - 01:36 PM

I'm afraid midis are beyond me, Jeri. Wish I could afford to hire you as a consultant down here for awhile!

Sandy the Cyberklutz

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Jeri
Date: 09 Jan 00 - 02:01 PM

Will work for food...and music.
Oy, forget the food...

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: GUEST,Blake Henry ---
Date: 24 Jun 00 - 06:17 AM

I love the fact that this song has some history if you could please send that midi to me as well that would be great. Just thought I would tell you all that about 3 years ago I heard a bluegrass version of bread and gravy on the Today show but when I called them they had no idea what I was talking about, you know the crazy listening puplic. Thanks, Blake

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Noreen
Date: 26 Jun 00 - 03:24 PM

This song,or one with very similar words, is on an LP called something like 'Around This Land' by the Canadian singer Stomping Tom Connors.

(......something less boring instead,

............gravy without any bread.)

This must have been released in the early 1960's. Good song, good fun and I love his accent!


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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: GUEST,Blake Henry ---
Date: 26 Jun 00 - 04:24 PM

That sounds good I will look for it thanks Noreen.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: kendall
Date: 26 Jun 00 - 04:34 PM

My friend, Smokey Green, old time country performer from Fort Edward N.Y. also sings this. I believe he got it from Grampa Jones.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song
From: Art Thieme
Date: 26 Jun 00 - 04:53 PM

Try these great Hoagy sites at the University of Indiana--Bloomington, IN. It's ALL here::

Art Thieme

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Subject: DTADD: Bulbes (Yiddish)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 14 Oct 03 - 02:35 AM

There's a well-known Yiddish song that follows the same pattern:


Zuntik - bulbes
Montik - bulbes
Dinstik un mitvokh - bulbes
Donershtik un fraytik - bulbes
Shabes in a novene - a bulbe-kugele
Zuntik - vayter bulbes!

Broyt mit bulbes
Fleysh mit bulbes
Varemes un vetshere - bulbes
Ober un vider - bulbes
Eyn mol in a novene - a bulbe-kugele
Zuntik - vayter bulbes!

Sunday-potatoes, Monday-potatoes, Tuesday and Wednesday-potatoes, Thursday and Friday-potatoes. But on Saturday for a change-a potato pudding! Sunday-potatoes again.
Bread with potatoes, meat with potatoes, morning and evening-potatoes, over and again-potatoes. One time for something new, a potato pudding. Sunday-potatoes again.

Source: Mir Trogn a Gezang, Eleanor Gordon Mlotek, 1972.

Click to play

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Subject: Lyr/Chords Add: BREAD AND GRAVY (Hoagy Carmichael)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 15 Oct 03 - 10:23 PM

Just to clear up any doubt or confusion, here's the Hoagy Carmichael song. It's a nice song in its own right.

Copied from (with a few corrections made by me based on various sound samples).

(Hoagy Carmichael, 1935)
   G         B7    G                  C
Bread and gravy, lots of bread and gravy.
G       B7    G                C7
Beans and bacon, lots of beans and bacon.
E7       B7      G               C
No more frettin' since I've been gettin'
G                  D7          G      D7
Lots of bread and gravy all the time.
Peace and quiet, lots of peace and quiet.
Friends and money, lots of friends and money.
No more ramblin', I'm through with scramblin'.
Keep up with the Joneses all the time.
  G7  C         E7
Got no reason to be swell,
C                   A7
And my clothes all fit me well,
      G   Bf D7   G    G7
And I wear a nice ring.
C             E7
I'm as free as I can be,
C               A7
And my honey's lovin' me,
   G Bf         D7       G      D7
So I just can't keep from singin':
Bread and gravy, lots of bread and gravy.
Goodnight kisses, my love never misses.
No more blues now, no bad news now,
Just lots of bread and gravy all the time.

[Recorded by Ethel Waters and a few others.]

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Subject: ADD: Gravy and Bread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 16 Oct 03 - 04:09 AM

Here's my transcription of the Grant Rogers recording. I don't have any of the books for the custom CD's yet - so this is what I hear.


I've traveled this wide world all over,
I've stayed in some fancy hotels,
Some were good, some were bad, some were different;
And some were the best in the world,
This one place place I stayed was a lulu,
So good, so cunning, so neat,
Now you may wonder how I'm still alive,
When you hear what they gave us to eat…

On Monday we had bread and gravy,
On Tuesday 'twas gravy and bread,
On Wednesday and Thursday
'Twas gravy on toast - that was was nothing but gravy and bread

On Friday I spoke to the landlord,
"Would you please give us something instead?"
On Saturday morning by way of a change…
We had gravy without any bread.

As sung by Grant Rogers on the Folk-Legacy CD, "Grant Rogers: Catskill Mountain Songmaker." Recorded by Sandy Paton in Walton, NY, in 1964.
No, the tune isn't "Rosin the Beau." Maybe Jeri will send me that MIDI again.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song: Bread and Gravy
From: Backstage Manager(inactive)
Date: 07 Jun 04 - 09:09 AM

Jane Voss & Hoyle Osborne have an excellent version of Hoagy Carmichael's "Bread and Gravy" on their new CD, "Beyonf the Boundaries" on their Ripple label.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Bernie
Date: 07 Jun 04 - 02:14 PM

This was also popularized by a country singer in the forties named Texas Jim Robertson;my father learned it from the radio and it had at least three verses[one similar to the Grandpaw Jones version posted above].Also,there's a nice version of "Silver Dew on the Bluegrass Tonight" currently being played on O.J. Sikes' "Western Music Time"[Boston] Bob Wills with Tommy Duncan on day commerative show,but they usually stay on the web a couple of weeks before a new one goes up in it's place......

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Captain Beefart
Date: 10 Nov 05 - 05:08 AM

You guys are not old enough! "Gravy and Bread" came from a movie. It was one of those old fashioned musicals of the late 40's or 50's. I recall seeing the flick as a kid (I am in my 59th year). The musical was "Annie get your gun", or "Oklahoma", or one of that bunch of terrifying productions of the period.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,silvia
Date: 09 Jan 08 - 07:58 PM

Captain Beefart dates the song in the late 40's or later. It's older than that. I learned it in 1945. The movies might have just picked it up. It was a quite popular song.

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Subject: RE: help me find this old song: Bread and Gravy
From: Waddon Pete
Date: 10 Jan 08 - 04:19 PM

Just helping brush the cobwebs off the thread :0)

So.....what is the tune if it ain't "Rosin the Bow?"

Best wishes,


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Dianne
Date: 14 Jan 08 - 01:59 AM

Grant Rogers wrote many great songs. He was a very talened man. He went to Nashville and sang with little Jimmie Dickin's at the grand ole opry in 1968.My Dad was with him. Grandpa Jones did sing some of the same songs. I think and if wrong Sandy can correct me on this, Grandpa Jones wrote one of the songs Grant recorded, Bessie the Heifer.
I just purchased the CD of Grant from Sandy. People around here in Delaware Co. NY love him. What beautiful music he made !

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Subject: ADD Version: Bread and Gravy
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 15 Jan 08 - 07:44 AM

The only recording I can find online of BREAD AND GRAVY (not the Hoagy Carmichael song) is by J. E. Mainer's Mountaineers. It sounds like a rather late recording. It's on the Various Artists compilation "Sound Traditions: Appalachian Mountain Bluegrass," Rural Rhythm CD 317, 2007. This is what I hear in a sound sample found at

…we used to eat liver and onions.
But beef stew we never went wrong;
But lately I've noticed the difference,
And that's why I'm singing this song:
On Monday we have bread and gravy.
On Tuesday it's gravy and bread.
On Wednesday and Thursday …

[There's enough there to get an idea of the tune, and it's nothing like "Rosin the Beau."]

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
Date: 04 Feb 08 - 03:47 PM

My father & grandfather called this song The Boarding House Lament. Dad was a WII vet who just passed away. I plan on singing this at his memorial.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Dick Weaver-Little Fudges Creek-Cabell Count
Date: 11 Jul 08 - 07:20 PM

As a native West Virginian who survived the depression and spent 30 years in the U.S.Navy, may I introduce the lyrics I learned relative to "Bread and Gravy"- (about as Welsh as you can get):
    On Monday we had bread and gravy
    On Tuesday twas gravy and bread
    On Wednesday and Thursday we had gravy on toast- now that's nothing but gravy and bread
    On Friday I said to the landlord, don't you think that it's time for a change
    On Saturday morning, in the way of a change, we had gravy without any bread
    To those who have lived the "good life" and have been deprived of the "palate-pleasing" flavors of lard and water gravy, and lard and water biscuits, which were sometimes the staples of our lives,you are indeed fortunate. And aren't all of us who live in this WONDERFUL country?????

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,The Bard Rocks
Date: 09 Aug 08 - 10:45 PM

I am familiar with Grant Rogers' version, but there is an older (I believe) versions, very similar, from Wade Mainer.
       The Bard Rocks

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Guest, et
Date: 19 Aug 08 - 01:57 PM

In the mid-nineteen-thirties, (1933 to 1936 I believe), there was a radio program in New York City titled "Cowboy Tom's Roundup". Performing on the program was Tex Ritter. On a World Transcription of Program 5, Tex Ritter sang Bread and Gravy. His words were:
I've traveled this country all over
I've stopped at the best of hotels
Some are good some are bad some were different
And some were as awful as ---- well
The last one was a lulu
So nice so fine so neat.
Would you wonder that we are still living
When you hear what they gave us to eat.
On Monday we had bread and gravy
On Tuesday 'twas gravy and bread
On Wednesday and Thursday 'twas gravy on toast
That's nothing but gravy and bread
On Friday we said to the landlord
Won't you please give us something instead
So on Saturday morning by way of a change
We had gravy without any bread.

There were three songbooks sold for Cowboy Tom's Roundup, dated between 1933 and 1935, but none of them contained Bread and Gravy.

On August 7, 2008, Los Angeles PBS TV station KCET, broadcast a show "Johnny Cash, The Man, His World, His Music". In this program June Carter and another unknown woman sang Bread and Gravy. Their words were:
On Monday we have bread and gravy
On Tuesday it's gravy and bread
On Wednesday and Thursday it's gravy and toast
But that's only gravy and bread.
On Friday we said to the landlord
Oh please give us something instead
So on Saturday morning by way of a change
We had gravy without any bread.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: grant's niece
Date: 23 Aug 08 - 07:24 PM

I just found this page looking for a way to get Grant's music on CD. Grant Rogers was my great uncle and I have all of his albums unfortunately I am not able to play them anymore because I do not have a record player. I grew up listening to him and hearing stories about him. If someone out there could help me find a way to get his music so that I can listen to it without buying a record player I would be greatful. Thank you!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Lisa
Date: 24 Sep 08 - 02:43 PM

My version is a bit different. And you sing it kind of slow.
My dad sang this song to us all the time as kids. He's 65 so it's been around for awhile, I was looking for help with some lyrics I'd forgotten; but here's what I remember. (I'll have to call my dad and have him sing it to me again...which he loves to do)

I've traveled the whole world wide over,
and stopped at the best of hotels.
some were good, some were bad, and some were the best
and some were the best that they had.

(here's where I get fuzzy)it's something like the versions above, but ends "this is what we had to eat"

    (then it goes)
on monday was bread and gravy
on tuesday was gravy and bread
on wed. and thur. was gravy on toast, which is nothing but gravy and bread.
on fri. i went to the landlord, and asked for something instead,
so on sat., sun. in well of a change,
we had gravy without any bread, daaanaaanaaa, we had gravy without any bread!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: Bat Goddess
Date: 24 Sep 08 - 07:48 PM

Little bit of a variation --

The singer Jeri quoted early in this thread passed away about a year and a half ago.

And I can't remember for sure how he sang it in the beginning at the Press Room sessions, but by 2000 or 2001, he was singing it --

On Monday we had bread and gravy.
On Tuesday was gravy and bread.
On Wednesday and Thursday was gravy and toast
But that's only gravy and bread.
On Friday we went to the landlord
To get something else instead.
So on Saturday morn
Just as sure as you're born
We had gravy without any bread.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,dianne
Date: 14 Oct 08 - 01:53 AM

This is for grant's niece. I purchased the CD from Sandi Patten. My Dad has a record player and got out Grants records. OMG ! They sound horrible ! The old records ! You need to get a CD. So much better. The price is worth it.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
Date: 14 Feb 09 - 01:00 PM

My grandfather said he learned one of ther versions printed here while he was in the CCC during the Great Depression.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
Date: 10 May 09 - 10:50 AM

My grandfather sang it a little bit differently but his memory and maybe mine weren't that great.
Gravy and Bread
While traveling through lots of cities
We stopped at a lot of hotels
Some were good, some were bad, some indifferent
And some of the rooms were like cells.

But the last one we came to was a daisy.
So keen and so cool and so neat.
It's a wonder we didn't go crazy
When we found what they gave us to eat.

On Monday twas bread and gravy,
On Tuesday twas gravy and bread.
On Wednesday and Thursday it was gravy on toast,
but that's only gravy and bread.
So Friday we went to the landlord
And asked for a change instead
So on Saturday morning by way of a change
We had gravy without any bread!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,guest
Date: 22 Jun 09 - 06:49 PM

I can't believe so many people know this song. My grandfather and my mother both used to sing it and would exagerate an accent.They would use a v instead of w so it sounded like...

Vile travelling all round through this country
Sure I stop at a lot of otels
Some vas clean some vas neat, some vas cozy
But, some had the looks like a cell
But the last one I stop at, she vas a daisy
She vas cozy she vas neat and she vas clean
But I thought that I vould go crazy
When they told me what I got to eat

Vell, on Monday we has bread and gravy
On Tuesday vas gravy and bread
On Vednesday and Thursday vas gravy and toast
Eh! But, that's only gravy and bread
So, on Friday I says to the landlord
Can't you give me something else instead
So, Saturday morning by a vay of a change
Ve had gravy vithout any bread

After singing this song they would do a whole comedy act that started off... When I first come to the United States of America I was looking for a job
I was so surprised while looking for the words to the comedy act to find the bread and gravy song

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,ajp
Date: 04 Aug 09 - 10:57 PM

This song was, indeed, public domain, but the various versions are very similar. The one recorded by Homer & Jethro (1963 - on "Ooh! That's Corny") was copyrighted by Moe Jaffe and Dwight Latham, who wrote "I'm My Own Grandpaw." It's listed in the ASCAP file as "Bread N Gravy." Since ASCAP's search system is very sensitive to wording variations, it only picks up the different Hoagy Carmichael tune under "Bread AND Gravy."

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
Date: 11 Aug 09 - 05:09 PM

I have a MP3 of this Homer and Jethro "Bread and Gravy" song that I just made from my "Oh, that's corny" LP. Its' a little scratchy but it sure seems like it will satisfy the itch on this board. If anyone wants it, let me know how best to get it to you.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Jack Ripley
Date: 21 Oct 09 - 09:06 PM

I an the son of Willard Samuel Ripley (Jack Ripley) of the JACK RIPLEY PLAYERS, ERA about 1928-1931 . They travled the mid west with a tent show of music and Short plays. My father Sang this song often but I have no idea where he got it. I have beed looking for the compleat lyrics for years . Thank You all for the input. My Uncle would pull songs off the radio and write the music for the Band. If any of you have heard of the Jack Ripley Players please respond.    Jack

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE GRAVY SONG
From: GUEST,TGMorg
Date: 09 Jan 10 - 11:18 PM

We had the 78 record in the 50's, but unfortunately a chunk of it got broken so it could not be salvaged and we pitched it. I'm reasonably sure the title was THE GRAVY SONG, but I only heard it a few times so here's what I recall:

"On Monday we had bread and gravy.
Tuesday was gravy on bread.
Wednesday and Thursday it's gravy on toast.
That's nothin' but gravy on bread.
On Friday it's rye bread and gravy.
Saturday, whole wheat instead.
But Sunday's a treat 'cause we never get meat.
We get gravy without any bread!

Oh, grandmother likes bread and gravy,
And so does our fat uncle Jake. (He really does.)
Sister and brother like gravy on toast,
And grandpa likes gravy on cake, (with no frosting).
Now everyone's working at our house.
You can't count the money we make...."

This is the part I forgot! Then they would end the song with the lines:

"We get graaavyy, its sooo delicious.
Graaavy. Its sooo nutritious.
Gravy! Without any bread."

Also, I think I heard it on Dr. Demento.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,999
Date: 10 Jan 10 - 01:04 AM

The song has cognates:

Clint Gruber started this off by telling of a ditty made up in Stalag Luft 1 where he was at with Hub Zemke. He stated that this had been "written by a kriegie, POW, who had been in the
bag a long time, so long that he started talking like a German."

Now I've traveled this Deutschland wide over
And I've stopped at all the Gefängnislager Lufts
Some were good, some were bad, some were different
And others were the best that they had

Now this last one I stopped at was a lulu
So pretty and fine and neat
But all of us got rotes Kreuz parcels
But wait till you hear what we had to eat

On Montag we had borscht and gravy
On Dienstag was gravy and borscht
On Mittwoch and Donnerstag with gravy on toast
Which is nothing but gravy and borscht

On Freitag I went to the Gauleiter
And asked him for something instead
So on Samstag and Sonntag by via the change
We had gravy without any bread!

that is from

[PDF] 2005 05 14 8th AF Historical Society Oregon Chapter Meeting

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,999
Date: 10 Jan 10 - 02:03 AM

And now I am confused. I can c and p some PDF stuff but not others. Vas gibst?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: Artful Codger
Date: 10 Jan 10 - 02:56 AM

Some PDF files are text, some are page images (with text not recognized as such), and some a mix of text and images. Image PDF files will be MUCH larger than text ones.

Also, some PDF files are created with a setting which intentionally disallows the copy function, to inhibit pirating.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,999
Date: 10 Jan 10 - 04:36 PM

Thank you for explaining that, AC. Much appreciated.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Charles
Date: 19 Jan 10 - 12:37 PM

Hi Blake,
I have heard the song quite some time ago. What I can remember is the following.

On Monday it's dry bread and gravy,on Tuesday it's whole wheat instead , on Wednesday it's a treat we never get meat but it is gravy without any bread.    Hope this helps. Charles. P.S. if you get any more to the song I would to have them.

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From: Jim Dixon
Date: 21 Apr 10 - 09:30 PM

Here's the oldest text I can find with Google Book Search. Note that this is much older than the song for which Dwight Latham and Moe Jaffe claimed copyright. However, their claim may have some merit if they wrote a new tune to go with the words.

The Hawkeye, Vol. 24 (Iowa City, Iowa: State University of Iowa, 1915), page 382:


On Monday we have bread and gravy,
On Tuesday have gravy and bread,
On Wednesday and Thursday have gravy and toast,
But the toast is the same as the bread.
On Friday we have the same menu,
And on Saturday again we are fed,
But when Sunday comes, by way of change,
We have gravy without any bread.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
Date: 22 May 10 - 09:26 PM

i was trying to remember the words to the bread and gravy song my grandfather sang me years ago and i stumbled upon your website. We also had two other versions of the this song - one was about a car and the other was about being at work.
    I never start work until Monday,
    before I start Tuesday I'm through,
    On Wednesday I have a half a day off,
    and Thursday there's nothing to do.
    On Friday, well that's early closing,
    I put all my things on the shelf.
and i can't remember the rest. . .has anyone ever heard of it?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: Joe Offer
Date: 22 May 10 - 09:45 PM

These little fragments that people post are fascinating. You know there's a long history behind the lyrics that begin with "I never start work until Monday," but where did it come from?
I never cease to appreciate people who come in and post these fragments they remember. Sometimes, we find the rest of the lyrics that go with the fragment; but many times, we do no. And then years later, somebody like Jim Dixon or Q will come up with the entire song.
That's what makes this quest so interesting.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Karen G
Date: 03 Jan 11 - 09:18 PM

I can't thank everyone enough for this information. My father sang this song to me when I was very young (I am now in my 60's) This blog has given me a smile. I too, had forgotten parts of the lyrics but with everyone's input I have put together the entire song for me to always remember and past along to my grandkids. WOW....thanks so much. His background would have been from the depression days when many people lived in Boarding Homes while looking for work. My Dad was from the New Jersey/Penn. area. This would have been a song sung at the Faternal Organizations (Elks/Moose/Eagles, etc) or at the local bar, where people gathered following a hard day in a factory. He was a WWII Air Corp Fighter pilot (don't you know THEY had a ton of versions!) There would have been as many versions as there are 'neighborhood bars' in Jersey!!! Here is the "Gourley" version:

Gravey And Bread

I've traveled this whole country over,
I stopped at the best of Hotels.
Some were good, some were bad, some were the BEST;
And some were the best that they had.

The last place we stayed was a lulu
So nice so fine so neat.
But, you would wonder that we are still living
When you hear what they gave us to eat.

On Monday 'twas bread and gravy
On Tuesday 'twas gravy on bread
On Wednesday and Thursday 'twas gravy on toast
Which is nothing but gravy on bread.
On Friday we asked the landlord
Couldn't we please have something instead?
So on Saturday morning with a great change,
We had gravy without any bread.

Thanks again!!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
Date: 05 Apr 11 - 02:59 AM

My grandfather sang it as so,

On Monday, we had bread and gravy
on Tuesday, we had gravy and bread
on Wednesday and Thursday, we had gravy and toast
which in nothing but gravy and bread.
so, Friday we went to our mother
and asked her for something instead
and Saturday morning, to our surprise
we had gravy without any bread

point: same old meal is still food in your belly, so be grateful your not hungry.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
Date: 18 Aug 11 - 12:28 AM

My mother (born in South Carolina in 1926) sang this song to us when we were children and said her family sang it to her when she was a child. Taught my daughter and will now pass along to my grandkids.

We've traveled this country all over
And stopped at the best of hotels
Some were good, some were bad, some were rotten
Some were as rotten as hell
The last one we stopped at was a knockout
So neat, so clean, so fine
But you'll wonder how we were able to live
When you hear what they gave us to eat

On Monday we had bread and gravy
On Tuesday was gravy and bread
On Wednesday and Thursday was gravy and toast
Which is nothing but gravy and bread
On Friday I went to the landlord….
Please sir, give us something else
So on Saturday morn, but way of a change,
We had gravy without any bread!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
Date: 09 Nov 13 - 12:26 PM

My dad used to sing this little ditty all the time. For years I have regretted that I didn't learn it. I was thrilled to find the words here. Now, what about the tune? Is there a recording or midi available? Jan

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
Date: 09 Nov 13 - 12:47 PM

There it is sung by Stompin' Tom on Youtube.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Hal Warren
Date: 29 Dec 15 - 06:37 PM

My father, who died in 1963 used to sing only the bread & gravy verse, but changed the end to "on Friday we went to the mommy, can we have something else instead, so..."
Otherwise the sAme. He always played with lyrics anyway. He had been an usher in burlesque in Cleveland in 1928, so we all thought, of course - until I heard two women sing it at a big band music show here in Poughkeepsie, NY about ten years ago. Thought I'd fall off the chair and they loved it when I sang along. Still don't know where it comes from but loved reading the input from everyone. Of course, I sang it to MY kids, and will sing it to my grandkids.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Catherine
Date: 10 Sep 17 - 11:20 PM

I just came back from a wonderful excursion into Arkansas to the newly opened "Johnny Cash's Boyhood Home." There was an early video of June Carter Cash and Joanne Cash singing this song circa 50's and I had to see what I could find out... I LOVE MUDCAT!!!!! You never fail me! I realize that my post comes almost 20 years after the first one but music lives forever.

In their version they use the phrase "chicken and gravy" first then bread and gravy and then lastly the gravy without bread. I love this progression.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: leeneia
Date: 11 Sep 17 - 11:24 AM

YouTube has a number of videos about bread and gravy.

Homer and Jethro have a quality video, and I was surprised at the nice waltz tune they use. The words are somewhat different than the traditional, but the tune may be the original. Here's the linK:

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
From: GUEST,Chords
Date: 25 Mar 18 - 02:56 PM

Hi folks,
Anyone have chords/tabs for this song?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bread and Gravy
Date: 09 Oct 22 - 05:28 PM

On Monday we had bread and gravy
On Tuesday we had gravy and bread
On Wednesday and Thursday we had toast and gravy
But that’s only gravy and bread
On Friday we went to the landlord
To get something different instead
And so on Saturday we had for a change
We had gravy without any bread

My family used to sing that song in the 80s when I was a kid

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Subject: RE: Origins: Bread and Gravy
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Oct 22 - 11:50 PM

Anybody interested in transcribing the J.E. Mainer version?

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