Subject: Lyr Add: THE ELIOT SPITZER TALKING BLUES From: Stewart Date: 10 Mar 08 - 08:00 PM THE ELIOT SPITZER TALKING BLUES collaboration by Stewart and Deckman If you want to get in trouble, Let me tell you how to do it, Just become a politician, Then you're soon to be into it. Don't run on a plank that's squeaky and clean, If you can't stay away from a downtown queen, 'Cause people come a-lookin' .. Causing trouble ... bastards all! 'Cause sooner or later You'll take that fall Down on your ass Without any class. Feet of clay and brains of hay You'll soon regret that very day You thought that you could get away With what you want Let the other guy pay. Take a lesson from Larry Whose stance was quite scary In the airport john He thought he was on To a little thrill He fell for the sting. And now there is Spitzer It wasn't his sister He called on the phone With the FBI list'ner He got caught on the tap Well how about that? Cheers, S. in Seattle who with Bob had too much time on his hands today |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Deckman Date: 10 Mar 08 - 08:13 PM Maybe I had too much time on my hands today ... but at least they're clean! CHEERS |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Peace Date: 10 Mar 08 - 08:16 PM Good one, guys. Gives new meaning to topical. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Deckman Date: 10 Mar 08 - 08:19 PM Or "typical!" |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Peace Date: 10 Mar 08 - 08:21 PM As a topical song, it don't get much "hotter off the press" than that. Good work. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Stewart Date: 10 Mar 08 - 08:22 PM Timing is everything! Cheers, S. in Seattle |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Deckman Date: 10 Mar 08 - 08:39 PM I hear that from wife ALL the time. I don't don't understand what she means? |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Peace Date: 10 Mar 08 - 08:40 PM Listen. If 3.21 seconds isn't good enough . . . . |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Deckman Date: 10 Mar 08 - 09:26 PM "It's an old story, that everyone knows, we've all feet of clay, and sometimes it shows, There's no surprise in this kinda thing, It certainly has a familiar ring, You rise to the top, where the air is thin, and kinda sit there, and grin, 'till it all tumbles down and you land with a plop, All because of a stoopid cop! ... why ... it's enough to discourage you" |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: EBarnacle Date: 10 Mar 08 - 09:28 PM It isn't his hands that got him into trouble. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Stewart Date: 11 Mar 08 - 01:18 PM What were they thinking? Why did they do it? Interesting article. Politics, and Scandal, as Usual By N. R. KLEINFIELD NY Times, March 11, 2008 It keeps happening. Recklessly, shamelessly, cavalierly — as if this time they're the ones who will somehow manage to get away with it all. But they don't. Congressmen, senators, governors, presidents, mayors — politicians at all levels keep starring in this familiar and non-partisan soap opera rerun. They engage in clandestine sexual entanglements, commonly cloaked in the tawdry textures of hotel pseudonyms and airport bathrooms and pay-by-the-hour copulation. All too often, their stealthy frolics then poison their political careers. .... Cheers, S. in Seattle |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Desert Dancer Date: 11 Mar 08 - 05:17 PM If only they didn't play so much holier than thou... but that's what makes a better folk song, I guess. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Deckman Date: 11 Mar 08 - 06:22 PM Good material Stew ... but it doesn't RHYME! Bob |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Stewart Date: 11 Mar 08 - 07:35 PM Plenty material For many a song Many there are And many go wrong So there, Bob! Cheers, S. in Seattle |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: wilkosgod Date: 11 Mar 08 - 07:41 PM I'm trying to come up with a limerick, but can't think of anything that rhymes with Spitzer! Mixer? Blitzer? Fixer? |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Reiver 2 Date: 11 Mar 08 - 08:24 PM How about CNN's Wolf Blitzer if you really need a rhyme. Ought to be able to work him into the "outing" of the story. Re. Stewart's post: We only hear about these little adventures when it happens to "public" figures such as politicians. For every one of those there are hundreds of "lesser known" people involved in the same activities. The main thing that sets off Spitzer's folly -- though it certainly would also apply to Craig, Foley and televangelists like Swaggert and Baker -- is the degree of hypocrisy involved on their parts. That's what really sets them off from those who haven't made a career out of opposing the same actions by thousands of others who are not as well known. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Charley Noble Date: 11 Mar 08 - 08:28 PM As Woody used to say: "I don't care much for dictators but there are times when I think this whole country should be run by e-lec-tri-ci-ty!" Good work, lads! Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: pdq Date: 11 Mar 08 - 09:11 PM It seems that the "agency" he got women from just called Spitzer "Client #9". Does anyone want to go back to the Roger Miller classic "Engine, Engine #9" and do a parody? With appologies to Roger Miller... Client, Client number nine. coming down the . . . (I ain't no poet. so someone else will have to do this.) |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Charley Noble Date: 12 Mar 08 - 08:18 AM pdq- I had a similar thought this morning, but a parody of Carson J. Robison's old classic, first recorded by Vernon Dalhart, 1927. Here's a slightly rewritten first verse: The Wreck of Old Number 9 On a cold winter's night, not a star was in sight, And the north wind kept howlin' down the line, Came a call girl so dear, on a mission so drear, With her orders to pull old Number Nine. Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Deckman Date: 12 Mar 08 - 08:32 AM "As she sped round a hill, her brave heart stood still, For there she saw, standing alone, A rich lonely man, with his heart in his hand, Who asked her if she had brought the pill!" CHEERS, Bob |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Charley Noble Date: 12 Mar 08 - 09:41 AM Bob- Lovely! Now he was feelin' swell, as he called her on his cell, That he'd booked her room at the Mayflower Hotel; But he was most perplexed when she said "If you want sex, You'll have to wear a condom on your pointelle." Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Deckman Date: 12 Mar 08 - 09:54 AM "He fell to his knees, and begged her to please, Relieve him of this necessary chore, After all, he said, I've been properly bred, And it's something that I never have wore." Bob |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Charley Noble Date: 12 Mar 08 - 10:07 AM Bob- You have my permission to send the whole thing off to Public (pubic?) Radio. I can just hear your voice leading it, backed up with some tasteful flat-picking. Don't forget the line about "when you hear that whistle blow." Got to run. There's a train I've got to catch! Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Deckman Date: 12 Mar 08 - 10:09 AM Be careful going around the hill! Bob |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: topical tom Date: 12 Mar 08 - 10:36 AM He went to the Mayfair and walked right in To meet Cristen for an evening of sin But a paper trail led to his demise. A politician caught? What a surprise! So because of this pecadillo spread in the news I'm singing these Eliot Spitzer blues. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Stewart Date: 12 Mar 08 - 12:24 PM Oh once a politician named Spitzer, To a journalist lad known as Blitzer, Declared to be clean, But slept with the Queen Of Tarts, he was known as Client 9 Sir. Well, it rhymes... Cheers, S. in Seattle |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Deckman Date: 12 Mar 08 - 12:31 PM Ya ... but it's a strectch! bob |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego Date: 12 Mar 08 - 12:59 PM Hy-poc-ris-y Night and day it tortures me. I cannot abide it, Since Eliot tried it. He was duly elected, And duly sworn in. Now he's duly exposed, For his serial sin. The poor wife's in mourning, The poor daughters too, While the high-flyin' pol Is knee-deep in poo! Don't ya love hypocrites? Ain't he a peach? First he'd go sinnin,' And then he'd go preach. Doin' as he does, and not as he says, The "Gov's" demonstrated His profligate ways. So take a good lesson, You political hacks, Who don't think we'll care 'Bout the stains on your plaques. If it's power you're after, Beware what you seek. Cause when it corrupts you, You're up a brown creek. So here's your petard, You have hoist yourself by it. And, if you're still sellin', There'll be no one to buy it! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Reiver 2 Date: 12 Mar 08 - 01:30 PM In-CRED-i-ble!! Hope someone will put this all together! Slainte! R2 |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Charley Noble Date: 12 Mar 08 - 02:34 PM Well, there are at least four tunes running now. Here's verse #2 for above: As the train roll'd along the wheels hummed this song, "New York to DC, on the short line to sin!" The smoke from the stack was lookin' mighty black, And the lady at the throttle was Deep-Throat Kristen. Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: topical tom Date: 12 Mar 08 - 11:11 PM In the Mayfair in the evening, Not to dance nor not to dine Kristen waited with breath baited For her lover, 'Client 9'. Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Client 9 You are screwed and gone forever, Dreadful sorry , Client 9. To the tune of "Clementine" |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Charley Noble Date: 13 Mar 08 - 08:26 AM Topical Tom- The possibilities are, indeed, endless! Where is Amos when he's needed? Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Amos Date: 13 Mar 08 - 10:43 AM I took my troubles down to Madame Wu She said she knew what I should do Just make a money transfer on the telephone line And we can make you happy -- You're client Number Nine. I told her that I needed someone quite discreet! I didn't want some hooker fresh in off the street! She said, now doncha worry, we're gonna treat you fine. Just wire in the money now You're Client Number Nine. She told me that she didn't ever deal in dreck. She said this little lass would treat me right, by heck, She emailed me a picture and I fell on the deck-- I grabbed a pen, I closed my eyes, I wrote a check! I didn't know if it was day or night. There musta been some detail that I didn't play right. 'Cuz now I've lost my job, and I'm paying up the fine, That comes from signing up to be Ex-CLient Number Nine Ex-Client Number Nine Ex-Client Number Nine.... |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Charley Noble Date: 13 Mar 08 - 11:23 AM And another fine song floats to the surface (which some might characterize as pond scum!). I wonder if anyone can do anything with the concept: Now, when I'm long gone You can make my tombstone Out of number nine coal. Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: topical tom Date: 13 Mar 08 - 11:38 AM Good one, Amos! LOL! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: GUEST,Chicken Charlie Date: 13 Mar 08 - 11:48 AM And who says the folk process is dead? I think it says something almost worthwhile that so many of us have chosen totally different but equally valid models for the parody. [Spock, raising one eyebrow: "Fascinating."] Here's my presumptuous remix on your Limerick-- A rash politician named Spitzer Has a squeeze with a rep that just fits her. He said he was clean, But he slept with this queen, And now he's been dissed by Wolf Blitzer. CC |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Amos Date: 13 Mar 08 - 11:59 AM A pretty young wanna-be singer, Had a link to the Governor's dinger. She said, very cooly, I won't treat you cruelly! But she hauled the poor guy through the wringer! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Charley Noble Date: 13 Mar 08 - 10:22 PM Unfortunately the window of opportunity for becoming filthy rich by composing an appropriate ditty about Eliot Spitzer is rapidly closing. However, that will not discourage our intrepid band of mudcatters who relish non-remunerative creative effort. I note in that respect that No. 9 coal is also mentioned in "Sixteen Tons" and that no one has mentioned the arcane phrase "gettin' one's ashes hauled." Maybe some creative soul could redress this omission. Amos- Your limerick with regard to the young lady "Kristin" hardly does her justice, She was just doing her job. The prosecutor's office, with the help of the national media, ran Spitzer through the wringer. I'm of an age where I have a very clear idea of what a "wringer" was, and I'm very grateful that my big brother never succeeded in his efforts to entice me to run my hands through our wringer at the farm. Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Eliot Spitzer Talking Blues From: Charley Noble Date: 14 Mar 08 - 09:47 PM Well, so it goes! Another thread done gone. Only the banner ads are left! Charley Noble |
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