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Gene Burton @ Foc's'le FC, Southampton

Gene Burton 12 Mar 08 - 05:17 PM
GUEST,jeff 13 Mar 08 - 12:03 AM
Gene Burton 13 Mar 08 - 04:11 AM
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Subject: Gene Burton @ Foc's'le FC, Southampton
From: Gene Burton
Date: 12 Mar 08 - 05:17 PM

Hi y'all

I'm going to be performing 2 x 45 min sets at the Fo'c'sle F.C., Richmond Inn, Portswood Road, St Denys, Southampton on Friday evening. I'll be on about 9, before which there should be opportunities for floor spots I'd imagine...these'll kick off at about 8:15. But come early to ensure a seat!

This is likely to be my only appearance in or near my home town certainly for months and possibly if any of you "scummers" want to hear me again you'd do well to get down there! Seriously, it'll be great to see as many of you as possible and catch up. Will also be a chance to purchase my new CD "National Geographic" at a special Scummer's Discount of £5- bargain! (Listen to selected National Geographic trackshere )
I'll be playing a mixture of my own songs, old and new, and traditional folk songs, as usual.

It'll also be about a fiver to get in, I think...and free to get out!


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Subject: RE: Gene Burton @ Foc's'le FC, Southampton
From: GUEST,jeff
Date: 13 Mar 08 - 12:03 AM

Do yourself a favor and stop by to see Gene if you can. Gene is a genuine talent as a singer/songwriter/trad singer, etc. Check out his myspace page and then try to break down some of his guitar work. It's deceptive in that it sounds simple, but is actually very complex and always in perfect colusion w/t words/melody. Hope at some point he'll be able to come stateside as I think he'll do very well over here. My wife(who's a songwriter, too) and I are working on an arrangement of Gene's song 'If' which we'll be performing(with permission of course!)at varios functions asa we get the harmonys and guitar parts where we want them. Have fun at the gig, Gene. All the best, Jeff

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Subject: RE: Gene Burton @ Foc's'le FC, Southampton
From: Gene Burton
Date: 13 Mar 08 - 04:11 AM

Jeff, I'd be honoured to hear you play "If"- you're a fine musician and singer and I'm sure you'd do a cracking job. I only ever use three fingers to pick, if this helps...not of course that you're obliged to play it like I do! Thanks for your continued support, buddy.

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