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Lyr Req: I Want To Have a Little Bomb like You


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GUEST,kasia waldegrave 20 Aug 08 - 07:08 AM
Leadfingers 20 Aug 08 - 07:36 AM
Leadfingers 20 Aug 08 - 08:26 AM
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Subject: Lyrics to I want to have a little bomb l
From: GUEST,kasia waldegrave
Date: 20 Aug 08 - 07:08 AM

Does anyone have the lyrics to: "I want to have a little bomb like you do" by Sydney Carter? I would be very grateful.:-)

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Subject: RE: Lyrics to I want to have a little bomb l
From: Leadfingers
Date: 20 Aug 08 - 07:36 AM

Try :-

But add the FIRST verse !#

Hit that drum a great big Whack
I want to have a littler bomb like you
Fall in line and follow follow
I want to have a little bomb like you
I like you and you like me
But just in case we disagree
I want to have a litle bomb like you

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Subject: RE: Lyrics to I want to have a little bomb l
From: Leadfingers
Date: 20 Aug 08 - 08:26 AM

Further adjustment ! Bob Bolton has MY first verse last two lines in another verse! Here's the whole thing as I collected it in 1965 . The "I want to have" line repeats !

Hit that drum a great big whack
I want to have a little drum like you
Fall in line and folow follow
I want to have a little bomb like you
I like you and you like me
But just in case we disagree
I want to have a little bomb like you
I want to have a little bomb like you

Charles de Gaulle he said to me
Independant I will be
You can wave your Union Jack
Stars and Stripes are on the back

Mao Tse Tung to Kruschev said
My bomb will be twice as red
If we all go up in flames
Wont it be a Bloody Shame

Everybody says the same
I am not the one to blame
Who will be the first to say
Throw the bloody things away
I dont want to be the first , do you ?
I dont want to be the first do you ?

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