Subject: Lyr Add: DARK DECEMBER (Graeme Miles) From: VirginiaTam Date: 09 Jan 09 - 03:27 PM DARK DECEMBER (Graeme Miles) Oh should we curse the winter For being e'er so long When the trees are black and groaning And every leaf is gone And from the silent blackthorn bush There comes no small bird's song Oh should we curse the winter Oh should we curse the winter Oh should we curse the winter And December most of all Oh should we curse the winter For being e'er so cold When the sheep together huddle To keep warm in their fold And a man don't leave his fireside Unless that man be bold Chorus Oh should we curse the winter For being e'er so bleak When a man turns up his collar To guard his frozen cheek And hurries through the icebound streets Through rain or sleet or squall Chorus Oh should we curse the winter For being e'er so dark When the sun is late in rising But early to depart When the bitter northern blizzard winds Freeze our very hearts Chorus No we should not curse the winter With its icy wind and storms Likewise the cold and darkness No man on Earth should scorn For it was dark December When the Christ child he was born No we should not curse the winter No we should not curse the winter No we should not curse the winter And December least of all lyrics as transcribed from Ramskyte's Dark December album The song Dark December is attributed to Graeme Miles VT There are a number of Mudcat threads dedicated to Graeme Miles but only one mention of this song and no lyrics posted. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dark December (Graeme Miles) From: North/South Annie Date: 09 Jan 09 - 08:37 PM I'll just add that Ramskyte's 'Dark December' album is one of three Ramskyte CD's which will now be 'collectors items'as Ramskyte ceased after Brian Ingham passed away (3 years ago yesterday) However, Pete Luscombe and John Bartlett are doing a grand job now as 'Wholehearted'. Annie |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dark December (Graeme Miles) From: GUEST,JHW in the library Date: 10 Jan 09 - 08:30 AM VirginiaTam Are you looking for some info or just regaling us with this song of Graeme's for which you need no excuse in this weather? As soon as I read the words I could 'picture' Graeme singing them. Let me know if you have a query. John |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dark December (Graeme Miles) From: VirginiaTam Date: 17 Jan 09 - 09:07 AM Hi all It is a brilliant song, lyrically and melodically. I copied the lyrics down as I listened so I could learn and perform it at sing arounds. I am related by marriage to John Thornton the other member of Ramskyte. This is why I have the CD. I also have Flickering Light. I must remember to ask John for a copy of Holler and Shout. I think that is the name of the 3rd CD. I sang Dark December at a sing around recently and the club organiser asked me for the lyrics. I told him I would post them here. I hope I did not do wrong. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dark December (Graeme Miles) From: GUEST,flowston Date: 12 May 12 - 10:05 AM I have rad your thred re the above song which you comment is 'attributed' to Graeme Miles. I think it would be fairer for you to state that Graeme DID write Dark December and not inpkly that he may have done. ok at Forgotten Songs Remembered by Graeme Miles, available form Artsbank at Saltburn-by-the-sea. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dark December (Graeme Miles) From: GUEST,Andrew Date: 13 May 12 - 07:27 AM The song was first recorded on a the late seventies I think by the Wilson Family from Teesside where Graeme himself hails from. All the songs on the album were written by Graeme and sung by the Wilsons. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dark December (Graeme Miles) From: GUEST,John Date: 13 May 12 - 12:46 PM The Wilsons Album is 'Horumarye' and is excellent, we copied it to disc a few years ago now but still listen to it on a regular basis. Not sure if it is still available. I fear it's another of Mr B's possessions |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dark December (Graeme Miles) From: Hoblander Date: 14 May 12 - 04:30 PM Hello just thought I'd add some observations. The Ramskyte recordings lyrics probably came from the Wilson's Horumarye, which as noted above was recorded in 1983. Those who know Graeme will be aware that his songs were and are constantly being refined, even now to an extent. I'm sure VirginiaTam as a big fan of Graeme's, would want the "preferred" lyrics as printed in Forgotten Songs Remembered. Not my classification but Graeme's. There are minor changes to each verse, and the score is probably a bit different to that which both the Wilsons and Ramskyte sing. Dark December is one of the songs included in the Ironopolis Singers new show "Purple Acres" which features Graeme's songs and narratives about the Cleveland Hills and Dales and the North York Moors. You can see the show at Whitby Folk Week in August, as we have been very kindly asked back to the festival. News of the CD to follow. Kevin |
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