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Does any other music require a committee

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Jack Blandiver 22 Apr 09 - 05:33 AM
GUEST, Sminky 22 Apr 09 - 06:25 AM
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Subject: RE: Does any other music require a committee
From: Jack Blandiver
Date: 22 Apr 09 - 05:33 AM

It's Kirkby Stephen for goodness sake.

Generally on Mudcat people don't point out errors of spelling & grammar, reserving their resolute pedantry for far more important matters. There have been some notable exceptions of course, especially when certain Mudcatters have fallen under the thrall of the ghastly Lynn Truss...

Methinks the spirit of Loki is in our midst!


In the guise of Sundog, I have just constructed a new piece using the recorder improvisation from yesterday's film soundtrack (see my post of 21 Apr 09 - 02:59 PM) to which I've added the lo-D Doromb improvisation I recorded in the church at Kirkby Stephen on Sunday in the vicinity of the Loki Stone.

Have a listen at:

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Subject: RE: Does any other music require a committee
From: GUEST, Sminky
Date: 22 Apr 09 - 06:25 AM

Off topic briefly:

There's a memorial in KS Cemetery to the victims of one of the (several) rail disasters on the Settle-Carlisle line.

Anyone know if it's the Hawes accident in 1910 or Ais Gill in 1913?

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