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Lyr Req: Shanagolden (Sean McCarthy)

In Mudcat MIDIs:

Muse 27 Jul 99 - 10:54 PM
Philippa 28 Jul 99 - 07:32 AM
alison 28 Jul 99 - 07:38 AM
Philippa 28 Jul 99 - 09:10 AM
alison 28 Jul 99 - 09:23 AM
Barry Finn 17 Aug 99 - 07:21 PM
Muse 24 Aug 99 - 10:16 AM
GUEST 26 Nov 12 - 08:52 PM
GUEST,kenny 27 Nov 12 - 05:28 AM
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Subject: Lyric request: Banks of Sean O'Golden
From: Muse
Date: 27 Jul 99 - 10:54 PM

Hello! I hope someone can help me out. I heard this song on a St. Patrick's Day radio show from Chicago. I won't say how long ago. Let's just say quite a while. It starts out "The cold winds off the mountains are callin' soft to me. The smell of scented heather brings bitter memories." That's about as far as I get. Can anyone help me out? TIA!

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Subject: Shanagolden
From: Philippa
Date: 28 Jul 99 - 07:32 AM

Shanagolden. I thought you were looking for a different song, but I know most of the words for the one you seek. I'll get back to you later.

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Subject: RE: Lyric request: Banks of Sean O'Golden
From: alison
Date: 28 Jul 99 - 07:38 AM


It's in "songs and ballads popular in Ireland" book 4... sung to the tune of the "Twelfth of Never". If Phillipa doesn't find it I'll type it in.



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Subject: Lyr Add: SHANAGOLDEN (Sean McCarthy)
From: Philippa
Date: 28 Jul 99 - 09:10 AM

tune = I Gave My Love A Cherry, The Twelfth of Never

The cold winds from the mountains are calling soft to me,
The smell of scented heather brings bitter memories:
A wild and lonely eagle up in the summer sky,
Flies high o'er Shanagolden, where my love Willie lies.

I met him in the winter time when snow was on the ground
The Irish hills were peaceful and love was all around.
Scarcely twenty years old, a young man in his prime.
We were married, darling Willie by the eve of Christmas time.

Do you remember Willie, we walked the moonlit road
I held you in my arms, love, I would never let you go.
Our hands they were entwined, my love, all in the pale moonlight,
By the fields of Shanagolden on a lonely winter's night.

Then came the call to arms, love, the heather was aflame.
Down from the silent mountains, the Saxon strangers came.
I held you in my arms then, my young heart wild with fear,
In the fields by Shanagolden, in the springtime of the year.

You fought them, darling Willie, all through the summer days.
I heard the rifles firing in the mountains far away
I held you in my arms then, your blood ran free and bright,
And you died in Shanagolden, on a lonely summer's night.

But that was long ago, love, now our son grows fine and tall;
The hills they are at peace again: the Saxon strangers gone.
*There's roses growing on your grave, there's an eagle in the sky ,
Flying high o'er Shanagolden, where my love Willie lies.

* that's how I learned it, but "The Songs of Sean McCarthy", Listowel, 1973 gives: "We'll place a red rose on your grave by the silvery pale moonlight, And we'll think of Shanagolden on a lonely winter's night"

recorded by Brendan Boyer, Paddy Day, Sean McCarthy, Florrie Brennan, Kathy Durkan, Margo ( see Irish Music Warehouse , Moving Music (Irish Songs To Warm The Heart) and Moving Music (Wild Irish Rose)

Margaret Middleton's extraterrestrial filk version at Dorsai songbook is exceedingly close to the original, yet she gives no credits.

Thanks for your offer, Alison

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Subject: RE: Lyric request: Banks of Sean O'Golden
From: alison
Date: 28 Jul 99 - 09:23 AM

Thanks Philippa,

The only differences between our versions are

verse 2 he was 21 years old

verse 4...Then came the call to arms, love, and the hills they were aflame.



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Subject: RE: Lyric request: Banks of Sean O'Golden
From: Barry Finn
Date: 17 Aug 99 - 07:21 PM

Thanks Philippa, that wasn't there a moment ago, goodness I'm getting batty in my aging. Barry

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Subject: RE: Lyric request: Banks of Sean O'Golden
From: Muse
Date: 24 Aug 99 - 10:16 AM

Thank you, one and all! I appreciate all the help. Thank you for the searching tips, too! My husband has been looking for songs to learn. He's thinking about performing again. I love this song and hope he'll learn it for me! Thanks again for all the help!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Shanagolden (Sean McCarthy)
Date: 26 Nov 12 - 08:52 PM

Did anyone ever get the lyrics to this song? I would love to learn this.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Shanagolden (Sean McCarthy)
From: GUEST,kenny
Date: 27 Nov 12 - 05:28 AM

....also a great version recorded by Don Stiffe.

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