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Lyr Add: True Blue and Seventy-Two (H. Clifton)


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In Mudcat MIDIs:
Tuue Blue and Seventy-Two [Harry Clifton]
Tuue Blue and Seventy-Two (full) [Harry Clifton]

Artful Codger 22 May 10 - 05:34 AM
Steve Gardham 22 May 10 - 02:35 PM
Joe Offer 23 May 10 - 01:55 AM
GUEST, Sminky 26 May 10 - 05:46 AM
GUEST,Ronaldgeory 31 Mar 21 - 12:20 PM
cnd 31 Mar 21 - 03:05 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: TRUE BLUE AND SEVENTY-TWO (H. Clifton)
From: Artful Codger
Date: 22 May 10 - 05:34 AM

   Harry Clifton [1868]

1. I come of a free and jovial race,
   A country Squire am I.
With a name that has never yet known disgrace,
   And I'll tell you the reason why;
I'm a chip of the block of an ancient stock
   And am loyal, brave and true.
And one of a race that can go the pace,
   Altho' I'm Seventy-two.

   Then cheer, boys, cheer,
      For an old true blue,
   And one of a race, that can go the pace,
      Altho' he's Seventy-two.
        [Repeat ff.]

2. In the red-brick'd hall, with moss cover'd wall,
   Where my father he lived and died,
I live at my ease, and do as I please
   Caring nought for the world so wide;
The pluck of a Lion, and a muscle of Iron,
   And a heart that is honest and true,
Yet a heart that can always for others feel,
   Altho' I'm Seventy-two.

3. No sluggard am I in my bed to lie,
   I rise at early dawn,
Thro' meaows I jog, with my gun and my dog,
   Or mount at the sound of the horn;
A seat in the saddle I still can keep
   With a heigh, Tally-ho, Halloo!
For my limbs are strong, and my wind is long,
   Altho' I'm Seventy-two.

4. At Christmas time, when the bells they chime,
   I've a welcome as well as a smile,
And hearty good cheer, for peasant or peer,
   In a jolly old English style,
I'm fond of good sport, yet, nevertheless,
   My passions I always subdue,
For it's only a fool that loves excess,
   And will never reach Seventy-two.

Source: Period sheet music in the John Hopkins U. Lester S. Levy collection.
Publisher: Lee & Walker, 722 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Publisher's series number: 10288 3

ABC transcription of the melody (and piano introduction).

T:True Blue and Seventy Two
T:Seventy-Two and Hard as Steel
C:Harry Clifton.
S:Period sheet music in the John Hopkins U. Lester S. Levy collection.
Q:3/8=88 " Moderato"
%   Piano introduction
g | c'ba ge'd' | c'ba g2e | c2c' c'bc' | d'3-d'z g |
c'bc' e'd'c' | ba^g a2a | gec' bc'd' | c'3-c'2 ||
%   Verse
G | c B A (Ge) d | c B A G2 E | C2 c (cB) c |
w: I come of a free_ and jo-vi-al race, A coun-try Squire_ am
d3-dz G/ G/ | c B c e e d | (cB) A d2 c/ c/ |
w: I._ With a name that has ne-ver yet known_ dis-grace, And I'll
B d G A2 d | G3-Gz c/ c/ | c B A ^G2 E/ E/ |
w: tell you the rea-son why;_ I'm a chip of the block of an
(cB) A A B c/ c/ | d d d e e d | G3-Gz F/ F/ |
w: an-_cient stock And am_ lo-_yal, brave_ and true._ And_
E c c c B c | e2 c c2 G | A2 d c2 B | c3-c2 ||
w: one of a race that can go the pace, Al-tho' I'm Seven-ty-two._
%   Chorus
|: "CHORUS." G | C3 c3 | A3 A2 G | ^F3 d3 | B3-Bz G |
w: Then cheer, boys, cheer, For an old true blue,_ And
c c B c c E | F2 G A2 A | G2 c B A B | c3-c2 :|
w: one of a race, that can go the pace, Al-tho' he's Se-ven-ty-two.
%   Piano bridge
{b}c' | c2 {b}c' c2 {b}c' | c2 {b}c' c2 {b}c' | \
(bde fed) | [c3_e3^f3a3] [c2=e2g] {b}c' |
c2 {b}c' c2 {b}c' | c2 {b}c' c2 {b}c' | \
(bde fdg) | c2 {b}c' Hc2 |]

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: True Blue and Seventy-Two (H. Clifton)
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 22 May 10 - 02:35 PM

More details on an English edition.
Full title is
Seventy Two and As Hard As Steel, or, True Blue and Seventy Two
Pub. Hopwood & Crew Serial Number, 1479, dated 1868 in the Era, sent in by Sminky.
Written and Sung by HC
Litho by Concanen, a portrait of HC
FL & FL chorus as above.
Full copies in Oxford Music Library. See OLIS website for details.
Refs: Harding R674, R675, Mus %c.c.29 (95)

Oral tradition: 'Traditional American Folk Songs'. A Frank Warner
p359 with tune.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: True Blue and Seventy-Two (H. Clifton)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 23 May 10 - 01:55 AM

MIDI added. Thanks, Artful Codger.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: True Blue and Seventy-Two (H. Clifton)
From: GUEST, Sminky
Date: 26 May 10 - 05:46 AM

A version under the title of Old true blue was collected by Alfred Williams.

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Subject: The Razzies at 40: The worst films ever made
From: GUEST,Ronaldgeory
Date: 31 Mar 21 - 12:20 PM

From Showgirls to Cats, The Golden Raspberries have been 'celebrating' terrible movies for four decades. Are they harmless fun – or past their sell-by date, asks Nicholas Barber.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: True Blue and Seventy-Two (H. Clifton)
From: cnd
Date: 31 Mar 21 - 03:05 PM

I'm glad this thread got revived, even if by spam. This seems like an interesting song.

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