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Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?

Lonesome EJ 20 Aug 99 - 04:28 PM
katlaughing 20 Aug 99 - 04:31 PM
Banjoman_CO 21 Aug 99 - 12:54 AM
_gargoyle 21 Aug 99 - 01:13 AM
catspaw49 21 Aug 99 - 01:21 AM
Barbara 21 Aug 99 - 02:54 AM
j0_77 21 Aug 99 - 04:09 AM
Legal Eagle 21 Aug 99 - 05:32 AM
Lonesome EJ 21 Aug 99 - 12:15 PM
j0_77 21 Aug 99 - 12:51 PM
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Subject: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 20 Aug 99 - 04:28 PM

This thread is a way of testing the waters for an idea that could benefit the Mudcat as well as Mudcatters. As I read the threads, I notice that many of us are using out-dated or underpowered computers. my idea would be to offer a range of three Compaq Computers for sale to Mudcatters. These would sell at competitive prices, and be fully warrantied. They could be taken to any Radioshack for service.

My idea is to take only my cost + freight on the computers, and give the rest to Max. I would probably need to have a credit card or check payment up front. I would prefer to limit this to complete systems only (CPU + monitor + printer), but am open to suggestions. Profit margins are low on computers, but Max would still likely make 50-250 dollars per unit. I am not excited about offering a full range of computer peripherals, nor would I want to be in a position of having to troubleshoot or train people on these machines but, as I said before, these could be serviced at any local store or directly by Compaq.



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Subject: RE: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?
From: katlaughing
Date: 20 Aug 99 - 04:31 PM

That is a VERY generous and kind offer, LEeJ! We just went for an HP a year ago, but I still think it sounds like a great idea!

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Subject: RE: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?
From: Banjoman_CO
Date: 21 Aug 99 - 12:54 AM

EJ: I too think this is a great idea. But I too went for a HP about a year ago. Was it at Wally-World, Kat? Anyway, I hope some of the 'cats' take advantage of your very generous offer.


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Subject: RE: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?
From: _gargoyle
Date: 21 Aug 99 - 01:13 AM

I'll do ye one the spirit of the Mudcat Auction

Buy a computer from me.......and I'll give 20% over my cost, up the Mudcat....

Just send credit cards accepeted (the 3% savings will go straight to the 'cat')

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Subject: RE: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?
From: catspaw49
Date: 21 Aug 99 - 01:21 AM

Ya know Leej, that's a helluva' nice idea and I too would go for it.........'ceptin i just bought this Gateway 450 9 months ago and uh................

So here you are ...... lots of non-buying support!!! Mudcat's makin' a tidy sum on this deal so far..............(:+)


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Subject: RE: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?
From: Barbara
Date: 21 Aug 99 - 02:54 AM

LEJ, we might be interested -- we need to upgrade the house computer, a Compaq. (I think it's a 386). Humsodever, I thought we'd wait until January.

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Subject: RE: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?
From: j0_77
Date: 21 Aug 99 - 04:09 AM

Radio Shack r gureat cause I used make stuff with bits of wire etc., (solder freak hehe) :) LEj gimme some reasons to Upg to a Compaq. Line speed here is 32 - and it will not go any higher - have a 56k modem but the line is toooo noisey :(

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Subject: RE: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?
From: Legal Eagle
Date: 21 Aug 99 - 05:32 AM

I'm too far away to buy direct ,but I need two new computers. Silicon Alley in the UK have some Mitsubishi 450 pentiums at a good price, but it is a basic spec without modem, soundcard, video card, etc. An expert could use them as a source machine.

I would not on principle buy a compaq. Some years ago they used corporate muscle and money to steamroller a client of mine into the ground on a more than somewhat arguable computer lawsuit. I can't work for free, but I tell you I would have really liked to. The guy lost his business (which I think was clean, not pirate), lost his house, his wife, and his marbles. COmplete nervous breakdown. A bunch of other guys lost their jobs too.

I will never buy anything made by compaq.

Apart from that I like the idea.

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Subject: RE: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 21 Aug 99 - 12:15 PM

I have a Compaq and have had great luck with it, but I don't know about Compaq as a corporation, Eagle. I assume that they are just as soul-less as most other large corporations. My reason for going with Compaq is the nationwide serviceability at the Radioshack Stores in the US.


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Subject: RE: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer?
From: j0_77
Date: 21 Aug 99 - 12:51 PM

Hi Legal Eagle - Legal, Compaq like other American Corporations are big on political contributions also they tend to ***send*** to Europe the err people they err want to be there.

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