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Lyr Req: Vicar is a Beatnik (Sydney Carter)


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Johnjo 18 Sep 10 - 10:22 AM
Tim Chesterton 18 Sep 10 - 02:02 PM
GUEST,.gargoyle 18 Sep 10 - 09:14 PM
Tim Chesterton 18 Sep 10 - 10:27 PM
GUEST,Johnjo 19 Sep 10 - 12:44 PM
SylviaN 19 Sep 10 - 12:51 PM
Joe_F 19 Sep 10 - 08:28 PM
GUEST 11 Dec 12 - 07:41 PM
Bob Bolton 12 Dec 12 - 07:43 PM
GUEST 13 Dec 12 - 03:49 PM
GUEST,John Fay 17 Oct 17 - 06:29 AM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Vicar is a beatnik
From: Johnjo
Date: 18 Sep 10 - 10:22 AM

Does anyone have the lyrics for the old Sydney Carter song 'Vicar is a Beatnik'?

I used to sing it as a kid, when torturing a guitar, and have just started strumming again after a gap of 30+ years. I can remember the chords, but have forgotten most of the lyrics. (Google has been less than helpful).



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Subject: Lyr Add: VICAR IS A BEATNIK (Sydney Carter)
From: Tim Chesterton
Date: 18 Sep 10 - 02:02 PM

This is entirely from memory, so it may not be 100% accurate:

(Sydney Carter)

'Good morning', said the vicar, with a banjo round his neck;
'We're digging up the crypt', he said, 'to make a discotheque'.
So we're writing to the bishop to say that we are shocked,
For the vicar is a beatnik and he ought to be defrocked.

At early morning service he plays a mandolin;
I'm never there to hear it but I think it is a sin.
So we're writing to the bishop to say that we are shocked,
For the vicar is a beatnik and he ought to be defrocked.

I love the merry organ and the bells across the snow;
I love the Church of England, although I never go.
I love the dear old Bible with 'Jehovah', and 'begat' -
It's not that I believe in it or anything like that!
(It's not that we believe in it or anything like that).

Just marry us and bury us the way you used to do -
With a blast upon the organ, and not on your kazoo.
So we're writing to the bishop to say that we are shocked,
For the vicar is a beatnik and he ought to be defrocked.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Vicar is a beatnik
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 18 Sep 10 - 09:14 PM


What a truly delightful addition.
Your memories are absoultly brillant ... and this is one of the BEST Archives on the web to record them in....

If you can recall....what where approxiamte years....and global locations you first heard these in? The format or publisher? Do you recall what drew you to the location? (purchased albumn, friend's house, coffee house, live backstage backup band (just kidding.))


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Vicar is a beatnik
From: Tim Chesterton
Date: 18 Sep 10 - 10:27 PM

According to Sidney's obit in the Independent, the song came out in 1969. In my mind it is connected with the old 'Faith, Folk, and Clarity' songbook, but I'm fairly sure it wasn't actually one of the songs in it. My Dad was a vicar ('tho not a beatnik!) and I remember our choir actually sang this song a couple of times.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Vicar is a beatnik
From: GUEST,Johnjo
Date: 19 Sep 10 - 12:44 PM

Thanks for jogging the old memory.

I had a vague idea that there was mention of loving the CofE but never going.

I suppose I first heard the song in the early-mid 1970s, certainly before 1976, from school friends.

Again, thanks for the reminder.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Vicar is a beatnik
From: SylviaN
Date: 19 Sep 10 - 12:51 PM

Don't forget, you can get most of what Sydney Carter wrote, including song books, from Stainer & Bell.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Vicar is a beatnik
From: Joe_F
Date: 19 Sep 10 - 08:28 PM

I myself once attended a bisexual beer blast in the basement of a Baptist church (no prizes, if you live in New England, for guessing which one).

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Vicar is a Beatnik (Sydney Carter)
Date: 11 Dec 12 - 07:41 PM

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Vicar is a Beatnik (Sydney Carter)
From: Bob Bolton
Date: 12 Dec 12 - 07:43 PM

G'day all 'Catters that need their reading glasses ...

I bought all the early Sydney Carter books ... after hearing him at the 1972 (Ausralian) National Folk Festival ... Easter 1972 - and thenin Sydney, the next week,

The first ( .. three ...) books are full of his great songs ... but lyrics are in rather cramped 7-point type.

The latest one I bought (Book #4 or # 5 ... ?) was put out in the same book size by the new owners of Stainer & Bell ... but the lyrics are set (printed) in 5-point type ... that's about one quarter of the area ( - or half the height - ) of a comfortable reading type for anybody ... other than myopic bats!!!

There are more good songs in there ... but you might have to photocopy them at 2 to 3 X magnification ... before you know what you are singing!



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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Vicar is a Beatnik (Sydney Carter)
Date: 13 Dec 12 - 03:49 PM

we get this song from Mike Sparks at Herga folk club from time to time

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Vicar is a Beatnik (Sydney Carter)
From: GUEST,John Fay
Date: 17 Oct 17 - 06:29 AM

"Good morning," said the vicar, a banjo round his neck.
"We're digging up the crypt," he said, "to make a discotheque."
So we're writing to the bishop to say that we are shocked,
The vicar is a beatnik, he ought to be unfrocked.
The vicar is a beatnik, he ought to be unfrocked.

At early morning services he plays a mandolin.
I've never been to hear him, but I know it is a sin,
So we're writing to the bishop to say that we are shocked,
The vicar is a beatnik, he ought to be unfrocked.
The vicar is a beatnik, he ought to be unfrocked.

We love the merry organ and the bells across the snow.
We love the Church of England, although we never go,
And we love the dear old Bible, with "Jehovah" and "begat,"
It's not that we believe in it or anything like that.
It's not that we believe in it or anything like that.

Just marry us and bury us the way you used to do
With a blast upon your organ and not on your kazoo,
So we're writing to the bishop to say that we are shocked,
The vicar is a beatnik, he ought to be unfrocked.
The vicar is a beatnik, he ought to be unfrocked.

We love the merry organ and the bells across the snow.
We love the Church of England, although we never go,
So we're writing to the bishop to say that we are shocked,
The vicar is a beatnik, he ought to be unfrocked.
The vicar is a beatnik, he ought to be unfrocked.

We had a record in the 1970s titled "Songs of Sydney Carter." This was on it. I am operating from a 40 - year-old memory here.

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