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Req: Boxcar Blues(Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell)

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Queensberry 26 Jan 12 - 04:42 PM
GUEST,999 27 Jan 12 - 12:45 AM
Joe Offer 27 Jan 12 - 01:32 AM
GUEST,999 27 Jan 12 - 02:17 AM
Joe Offer 27 Jan 12 - 04:36 AM
Queensberry 27 Jan 12 - 10:33 AM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Leroy Carr
From: Queensberry
Date: 26 Jan 12 - 04:42 PM


Although a long term user of the site, I am a new member. I'm in search of a few pre-war blues & jug band lyrics and or chords and thought some of you may be able to help. Was trying to work out Boxcar Blues by Leroy Carr and Scrapper Blackwell. Managed most of it but was really struggling with the later verses. if anyone can help, i'd really appreciate it. Don't laugh if i'm way off!! ....'s mean I have no idea what is being sung at all! Here's what I have (thanks in advance):

Boxcar Blues

I'm all lonely sad and blue
Heaving this truck I've had enough of you
Bb                        C          F
I just got the blues
G               F

Cold and blue, long way from home
Tired of wondering don't want to roam
Bb                          C          F
Way back home in Tennessee
G                                 F

My sweet lovin' mama is waiting for me
I've got no money and the tickets aint free
That is why I've got the boxcar blues
G                            C

Clickety-clack, clickety-clack
I've got a dozen stitches in my back
Bb                       C           F
From pumping all those ridges on the railroad track
Bb                                    C       F
I've got the boxcar blues but I'm going back
F                               C      F
Clickety, clickety, click clack
Bb                C      F

………….train, come on through

………………., seven hours away from you

I've just got the blues

…………..train, …………..joe

……………….rolling and losing my dough

Come on bone be good to me

Roll out seven monies gonna be free

Goodbye money them two sixes are free

That is why I've got the boxcar blues

Clickety-clack, clickety-clack

Roll them bones and roll them back

Fading your money with the lead in my sack

I've got the boxcar blues but I'm coming back

I've got the boxcar blues but I'm coming back

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Leroy Carr
From: GUEST,999
Date: 27 Jan 12 - 12:45 AM

Where can one hear the cut?

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Subject: RE: Req: Boxcar Blues(Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 27 Jan 12 - 01:32 AM

Queensberry, do you have the lyrics book titles Talkin to Myself: Blues Lyrics 1921-1942? There's an online edition here, that's acutally better than the print version (and free of charge). It doesn't work for this song - lots of lyrics by Leroy Carr, but not this one.

I'll work up a transcription in a later post.

999, try if you have a broadband connection. For now, it's free in the U.S. - and I think also in Canada.


Talkin' to Myself has one song with this title, by Maggie Jones:

Box Car Blues
recorded by Maggie Jones
New York, 13 Nov. 1924
(140134‑3) Co‑14047‑D VJM VLP‑23

Every time : I see a railroad track

Feel like riding : feel like going back

Catch a train : that's headed for the South

Going back south : to get smacked in the mouth

Got a man : way down old Texas way

Going to meet him : ain't got time to stay

Got the boxcar blues : feel like a tramp

Going to be down : in a Texas camp

Told the engineer : to drive them down

Broke and hungry : tired of tramping around

Boxcar boxcar : don't you carry two

Ride me ride me : sooth my boxcar blues

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Subject: RE: Req: Boxcar Blues(Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell)
From: GUEST,999
Date: 27 Jan 12 - 02:17 AM

Not yet available here, Joe, but thanks.

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Subject: ADD: Boxcar Blues(Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 27 Jan 12 - 04:36 AM

Well, the Maggie Jones "Box Car Blues" isn't the same song at all. Here's what I hear on the Leroy Carr recording (on Spotify):

I'm all lonely sad and blue
Really Mister Soto (???) I've seen enough of you
I just got the blues

Cold and broke, long way from home
Tired of wandering don't want to roam
Way back home in Tennessee

My sweet lovin' mama is waiting for me
I got no money and the tickets ain't free
That is why I got the box car blues

Clickety-clack, clickety-clack
I got a dozen stitches in my back
Bumping over bridges (switches?) on this railroad track
I got the boxcar blues and I'm going back
Clickety, clickety, click clack

[instrumental bridge]

Roll that train (??), now come on through
Really Mister Seven I was waitin' on you
I just got the blues

Lose that train (??), Little Joe
Guess I'm going and losing my dough
Come on bones be good to me

Roll out seven money's gonna be free
Goodbye money them's two sixes I see
That is why I've got the boxcar blues

Clickety-clack, clickety-clack
Roll them bones and roll them back
Paid in your money with the last in my sack
I got the box car blues but I'm coming back
Clickety, clickety, click clack

[Spoken]Grab them bones, boy!
Here, rattlin! (??)
C'mon, seven!

I got the box car blues but I'm coming back
Clickety, clickety, click clack

There are several parts here that I just can't figure out - the worst parts are marked by question marks.

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Subject: RE: Req: Boxcar Blues(Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell)
From: Queensberry
Date: 27 Jan 12 - 10:33 AM

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, much appreciated. It's a difficult one (especially for a singer who normally sings quite clearly) and the track is not commonly available on the internet (youtube etc). I'm off to listen back to it now....

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