Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: Jerry Rasmussen Date: 24 May 09 - 09:46 AM I'd forgotten all about this thread. As for harmony singing, there are many variations on harmony lines for each part. I sing in a Men's Chorus where we learn harmony lines by ear, not by eye. The Chorus Director is likely to change the baritone harmony (which I sing) more than once... sometimes at the same rehearsal. It's the little unexpected changes that give the song character. Jerry |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: masato sakurai Date: 24 May 09 - 09:37 AM New link (pdf file) to the sheet music at the Levy collection. Levy Call Number: Box 129, Item 095 Title: The Little Brown Church. Song and Chorus. Composer, Lyricist, Arranger: Words and Music by Wm. S. Pitts. Publication: Boston : Oliver Ditson Company Date: 1865 |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: GUEST,Sherri Bulger Date: 24 May 09 - 08:16 AM Our church is wanting to perform this song at a concert but cannot fine the sheeet music for an organ. Does anyone have it they could send me by email? |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: masato sakurai Date: 19 Oct 02 - 08:22 PM My American Memory links don't work. Put into the search box "church in the wildwood" and "church in the vale" respectively. ~Masato |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: Jerry Rasmussen Date: 19 Oct 02 - 08:13 PM Thanks, Mark: You're right... Nashua isn't that far from Janesville, Wisconsin, my home town. It's even closer to Janesville, Iowa, I see.. Jerry |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: Mark Clark Date: 19 Oct 02 - 02:36 PM Southern Wisconsin isn't far away either. The Little Brown Church is in Nashua, Iowa, right at the center of this map. If you zoom the map out a couple of notches you'll see where it is with respect to Wisconsin and Minnesota. Another really great “litte church” song, and one that sings a little better in bluegrass (cause it's not a march) is The Little White Church. It didn't seem to be here anywhere so I posted the lyrics. - Mark |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: Jerry Rasmussen Date: 19 Oct 02 - 02:08 PM Hi, Mark: My family used to sing that song as a kid growing up in Southern Wisconsin, so it was a special experience going to the church... which I have done... don't remember exactly where it is now, but I collected fossils in Illinois, and Kansas one summer, and made a point of going to see the church. Jerry |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: masato sakurai Date: 19 Oct 02 - 01:13 PM Mark, thanks for the link. Levy has its sheet music: Title: The Little Brown Church. Song and Chorus. Composer, Lyricist, Arranger: Words and Music by Wm. S. Pitts. Publication: Boston: Oliver Ditson Company, 1865. Form of Composition: strophic with chorus Instrumentation: piano and voice (solo and satb chorus) First Line: There's a church in the valley by the wildwood, no lovelier place in the dale First Line of Chorus: Come to the Church by the wildwood, Oh, come to the church in the dale Advertisement: ads on back cover for Oliver Ditson stock Subject: Couples Subject: Barrels Subject: Fences Subject: Mothers & children Subject: Cemetaries Subject: Graves Subject: Nostalgia Subject: Death Subject: Love Call No.: Box: 129 Item: 095 Nostalgic recording from American Memory (CLICK HERE): The church in the wildwood / Dr. Wm. S. Pitts ; [performed by] Apollo Quartet of Boston. [Realaudio] CREATED/PUBLISHED: Orange, N.J. : Edison, 1919. Drawings & photos also from American Memory. ~Masato |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: Mark Clark Date: 19 Oct 02 - 12:44 PM The song dates from 1857 and is one that brings back many childhood memories. The actual Little Brown Church about which the song was written is not far from were I live. I've actually been in the little church and have driven past it many times on the way to somewhere else. Because the song is so widely known, it's very popular as a wedding chapel. - Mark |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: masato sakurai Date: 19 Oct 02 - 12:29 PM The Carter Family sang this song (CLICK HERE at Honkingduck). Title: The Church In The Wildwood Artist: Carter Family Recording Date: October 13, 1932 Recording: Bluebird B - 5993 Date Issued: July 1935 ~Masato |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: John in Brisbane Date: 11 Nov 99 - 06:06 PM The MSIE I cannot get to function on the MUDI site is Version 5.00. I have no problems with this configuration at any other Midi sites (that I know of).
My other PC works just fine, and has an earlier MSIE, version 4.x I think.
Hope that this sheds some light. Regards, John |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: catspaw49 Date: 11 Nov 99 - 12:36 PM Since Art hasn't shown up, I feel a certain obligation to mention that its very different than the average Bean Supper or Pancake Breakfast for ANY church (even St Alphonzo's) to serve up hominy. But when you think of the father, son, and holy ghost....well I guess that IS a trio act. I wonder who sings what part? Spaw |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: katlaughing Date: 11 Nov 99 - 11:49 AM Well then, I don't know what my problem is. I tried it again and got the same imterminable wait, giving up after three minutes. I am not having trouble with any of the other sites or download thingies I try. John, were the probs you had at work, instead of home? All I have is MSIE 95, is that newer than the one you use at home? Is this just as Oz exclusive:-) katwholovestosingharmony..itwasherjobamongstthefivekidsathome |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: alison Date: 11 Nov 99 - 08:35 AM Alan forgot to ask me..... just checked it out..... 5 secs to download the first one.... less for the second.... slainte alison |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: John in Brisbane Date: 11 Nov 99 - 08:05 AM No probs at home here, but this is the older version of MSIE. Regards, John |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: Alan of Australia Date: 11 Nov 99 - 07:38 AM G'day, Can't reproduce the problem from here, either downloading or playing the files. I'll check with Alison to see if she's had any problems, she's uploaded a lot but might not have downloaded much lately. I'll also try it again at work on Monday - last time I tried there I didn't have a problem.
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: katlaughing Date: 10 Nov 99 - 12:13 AM Anytime, SD! Ya just hafta come to Wyoming and WW and me will chime in! Lucky you for being able to hear! John, you old reprobate! Make me feel like an idjit, willya?!!**BG** Hope Alan can make it idgit-accessible, soon. luvyaKat |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: Sourdough Date: 09 Nov 99 - 11:57 PM This is a terrific concept. I practiced singing the harmony line. Now I am anxious for someone to sing melody with me. I WANT MORE!!! Thank you, Alan. Sourdough |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: John in Brisbane Date: 09 Nov 99 - 10:52 PM I'll send an email to Alan if hye doesn't see this first. I can now admit (somewhat sheepishly) that I'm having problems with downloading as well. Regards, John |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: katlaughing Date: 09 Nov 99 - 09:19 PM John, got that one with no problem; the little green midi box came up and everything! Hope that helps clear up any mystery.. Thanks, kat |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: John in Brisbane Date: 09 Nov 99 - 08:56 PM Kat, if you go to you will find a MIDI of about 8K in size, which should take less than 30 seconds to load. The piece is called "Funeral of a Cat" - topicality uncertain. If you get that to work there MAY be a problem which we can refer to Alan. Regards, John |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: katlaughing Date: 09 Nov 99 - 08:15 PM Thanks, John. I just tried both. same long time and if I do the save target thingy, it tells me the file can't be copied. I will try just clicking, again, later. kat |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: John in Brisbane Date: 09 Nov 99 - 07:56 PM Kat, normal Midis from Alan's site should only take a few seconds. Church in the Wildwoods, maybe 30 seconds at most. Try again later, or Right Click on the Midi name and select SaveAs or Save Target As (or similar). Then double click on the File Name in your chosen storage Directory. If that doesn't work, send us another post. Regards, John |
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: Liz the Squeak Date: 09 Nov 99 - 07:37 PM Only two rules to learn about singing - if it's the same as the tune, it's unison. If it's different, it's harmony.. easy innit! Oh, and a good scary thing if you can manage it, is to do the tune an octave up from the singer, particularly effective in a crowded bar, full of large men all singing butch and manly working songs. Come in, an octave up, preferably whilst standing behind one of the larger lads. The crowd will turn and look at him, and think that he has strained something. Oh, also helps if you have two volumes, loud and BLOODY LOUD. Being small and blonde means you can get away with this, although I have a 6 foot TS friend who has a 38c bust and sings bass......
Subject: RE: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: katlaughing Date: 09 Nov 99 - 07:35 PM John, that looks fantastic and exciting, but is there any faster way to download a song? I waited almost 4 minutes and the Church in the Wildwood still wasn't done. Treid another and it, too, was still downloading after 3 minutes. Is that normal? I'd really love to hear these! Thanks, kat |
Subject: Harmony Singing - Church in the Wildwood From: John in Brisbane Date: 09 Nov 99 - 07:20 PM At various times Mudcatters have asked questions about learning to sing harmonies. With the advent of Alan's new web site we now have the opportunity to hear more than just the melody line for a given tune.
The lyrics to 'Church in the Wildwood' are in the DT, but were missing the tune. I've posted two Midis to Alan who has kindly installed them at his fantastic new site. They are both musically the same, but one gives more prominence to the harmony line to make it easier to hear. In my opinion it's a good old fashioned sing, and the harmony line really complements the melody well - plus it's easy to hear and learn.
Please post any feedback. Regards, John |
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