Origins: Little Johnny Brown
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Subject: ADD: Little Johnny Brown From: Joe Offer Date: 18 Nov 15 - 07:22 PM I haven't found much information on this play-party song. What can we come up with? These are the lyrics we have in the Rise Again Songbook: LITTLE JOHNNY BROWN Little Johnny Brown Spread your comfort [blanket] down (repeat) Fold one corner, Johnny Brown Fold another corner, Johnny Brown (3x) Take it to your lover [Give it to your friend now]… (4x) Show him [her] your motions [Make a little motion]… (4x) Float [look, hop] like a buzzard… (4x) ——trad. (African-Amer party song) On Bessie Jones Put Your Hand on Your Hip, Ella Jenkins Little Johnny Brown, Linda Tillery & the Cultural Heritage Choir Say Yo' Business, Sandy & Carolyn Paton I've Got a Song! Circle singers, put blanket/towel on the floor, spread & fold it, & give it away. Next person floats like a buzzard into the circle & begins again. |
Subject: RE: Origins: Little Johnny Brown From: GUEST,# Date: 19 Nov 15 - 12:50 PM http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3b4d0_bessie-jones-and-children-from-the_news Click the More button. May take some copy-paste translation, but it's a start. |
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