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John Barleycorn Recipe


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GUEST,Ed Silberman 09 Apr 17 - 05:07 PM
Joe Offer 09 Apr 17 - 08:40 PM
GUEST,.gargoyle 09 Apr 17 - 09:09 PM
Joe Offer 09 Apr 17 - 09:29 PM
Howard Kaplan 09 Apr 17 - 10:11 PM
GUEST,Ed Silberman 13 Apr 17 - 11:37 AM
GUEST,Ed 13 Apr 17 - 11:43 AM
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Subject: John Barleycorn Recipe
From: GUEST,Ed Silberman
Date: 09 Apr 17 - 05:07 PM

I once heard of version of John Barleycorn where the description of the ale making process is so complete that you actually could brew beer just by following the verses. Does any one know of such a version? Or was it just a fanciful notion?

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Subject: RE: John Barleycorn Recipe
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Apr 17 - 08:40 PM

Gee, if I were looking for a song like that, I'd go to Ed Silberman...or maybe Dick Holdstock.

Seems to me I've heard a song like that, too. I'll keep looking.

Oh, Hi, Ed!!


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Subject: RE: John Barleycorn Recipe
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 09 Apr 17 - 09:09 PM

Dear Mr. Ed,

Your "history" of fifteen plus years on Mudcat....leads to a dark hole.

"John Barley Corn" and his friends, can spin i to "Bill and Alcohlics Anonymous...or home-distilling receipes. Jack London wrote a dandy little, short novel by that name.

Check in the old "use-net" files....and current Russian ex-pats. Engineers prefer column distillation...craftsmen are drawn to the "pot stills" and sml batch refinements.

The Russian method will produce fuel for an automoile followed by a splitting, three day hangover.


Always check your local laws and pay your local, state, and federal taxes.

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Subject: RE: John Barleycorn Recipe
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Apr 17 - 09:29 PM

...and if you try to brew this stuff, Ed, don't give me any at camp....

You realize, of course, that according to the Reinheitsgebot, beer is to be made of water, barley, and hops. Can you make a song out of a recipe like that?

Can you make BEER out of a recipe like that?


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Subject: RE: John Barleycorn Recipe
From: Howard Kaplan
Date: 09 Apr 17 - 10:11 PM

Are you looking for "Professor Barleycorn", the version that includes verses like this one?

Just like his mother earlier, he soaked and swelled with pride,
But when he stuck his toe out he was roasted and he died.
The malting process needs the root appropriately short
To optimize the amylase that helps create the wort.

If so, then you can find it on my web site.

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Subject: RE: John Barleycorn Recipe
From: GUEST,Ed Silberman
Date: 13 Apr 17 - 11:37 AM

Joe Offer -- You are one funny man.

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Subject: RE: John Barleycorn Recipe
From: GUEST,Ed
Date: 13 Apr 17 - 11:43 AM

Howard Kaplan -- Your song isn't recipe. One couldn't make beer by following the verses in your son. But I can see how someone's imagination might gone from the technical details in your lyrics to the notion that there's "a version so thorough that it's actually a recipe." Thank you.

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